Spy Balloon!

I thought we (USA and China) were friends. Friends don't spy on friends but they do; we do it too.
China is a communist government. They fought against us in Korea and in Vietnam.
They are commies. Traditionally, with McCarthyism (Not the current speaker, he LOVES Putin)
and with the John Birch Society and witch hunts for commies by those two entities, the USA
right wing and republican wing was staunchly against anything anywhere left of Eisenhower.
Why don't people know this? Have people ever heard of the Cold War? It was when, 1989 that
the Berlin Wall was broken, and in 1991 the USSR was abolished, and as they say, "Reagan had won
the Cold War?" Nobody remembers that? That the commies supported N. Korea and N. Vietnam
militarily and financially for decade upon decade. They are ideologically NOT FRIENDS OF USA.
I have heard Vietnam vets say, "well, China is our friend." WTF? Never! But now, of course, Trump
and his criminal cartel would have us believe that Putin and Russia are our allies. And I wouldn't
know why, except for what my right wing, tea bagger buddy tells me: "Russia will help the USA
in the war with China, because Russia is white race like the USA is." So, now suddenly, because of
racism, the former communist Russia is our friend, so they try to tell us, after years of demonizing
democrats as being "left-wing, socialist, commie, pinko fags". Now we're told that's good. There is
something schizophrenically hipocritical about this. Anybody else see that? Nonetheless, USA is not
friends with China, and NOBODY is friends with the USA. We're hated across the globe by every nation.
China is a communist government. They fought against us in Korea and in Vietnam.
They are commies. Traditionally, with McCarthyism (Not the current speaker, he LOVES Putin)
and with the John Birch Society and witch hunts for commies by those two entities, the USA
right wing and republican wing was staunchly against anything anywhere left of Eisenhower.
Why don't people know this? Have people ever heard of the Cold War? It was when, 1989 that
the Berlin Wall was broken, and in 1991 the USSR was abolished, and as they say, "Reagan had won
the Cold War?" Nobody remembers that? That the commies supported N. Korea and N. Vietnam
militarily and financially for decade upon decade. They are ideologically NOT FRIENDS OF USA.
I have heard Vietnam vets say, "well, China is our friend." WTF? Never! But now, of course, Trump
and his criminal cartel would have us believe that Putin and Russia are our allies. And I wouldn't
know why, except for what my right wing, tea bagger buddy tells me: "Russia will help the USA
in the war with China, because Russia is white race like the USA is." So, now suddenly, because of
racism, the former communist Russia is our friend, so they try to tell us, after years of demonizing
democrats as being "left-wing, socialist, commie, pinko fags". Now we're told that's good. There is
something schizophrenically hipocritical about this. Anybody else see that? Nonetheless, USA is not
friends with China, and NOBODY is friends with the USA. We're hated across the globe by every nation.
Uh, she was being sarcastic about them being friends.
China is a communist government. They fought against us in Korea and in Vietnam.
They are commies. Traditionally, with McCarthyism (Not the current speaker, he LOVES Putin)
and with the John Birch Society and witch hunts for commies by those two entities, the USA
right wing and republican wing was staunchly against anything anywhere left of Eisenhower.
Why don't people know this? Have people ever heard of the Cold War? It was when, 1989 that
the Berlin Wall was broken, and in 1991 the USSR was abolished, and as they say, "Reagan had won
the Cold War?" Nobody remembers that? That the commies supported N. Korea and N. Vietnam
militarily and financially for decade upon decade. They are ideologically NOT FRIENDS OF USA.
I have heard Vietnam vets say, "well, China is our friend." WTF? Never! But now, of course, Trump
and his criminal cartel would have us believe that Putin and Russia are our allies. And I wouldn't
know why, except for what my right wing, tea bagger buddy tells me: "Russia will help the USA
in the war with China, because Russia is white race like the USA is." So, now suddenly, because of
racism, the former communist Russia is our friend, so they try to tell us, after years of demonizing
democrats as being "left-wing, socialist, commie, pinko fags". Now we're told that's good. There is
something schizophrenically hipocritical about this. Anybody else see that? Nonetheless, USA is not
friends with China, and NOBODY is friends with the USA. We're hated across the globe by every nation.

First, my post was kind of rhetorical but I'm glad you chose to post because of it. Kind of curious about your Rightie friend who think US and Russia would ever join forces because of white. That's an interesting take I've not read before..maybe I'm naive.

Of course, we're hated..until you need something from US.

BREAKING: US shoots down unknown object flying over Alaska

132,606 views Feb 10, 2023
The United States has shot down an unknown object flying over Alaska under the orders of President Biden.
dealing with the Chinese, sigh

They broke my balloon, I am going to go in the corner and pout.
