Spy Balloon!

Well damn, I seem to have strange bedfellows for shooting it.

So here's my reasoning, if there is something weird flying through the air it is the governments job to figure out wtf it is. It isnt unreasonable to just be like "hey, fuck yo balloon china" and not worry about damaging it in the pursuit of figuring out what it is. I can't picture them getting too butthurt about it, per their explanation it had gone off course so we are just getting it back to them. We can take a look at it and determine it's intent, be it weather or hunter biden dick pics.

Seems kinda silly all around. I'm for shooting it if we can do it for couple thousand bucks. Snipers in hot air balloons woooo!
You do realize China has about 500 spy satellites in orbit, right? And, like a tough guy, you want to shoot down a ballon to show strength.

That's what i've been thinking the entire time. This is something that got away from them, and their inability to admit they had a problem is the real problem... To use a balloon as an intelligence gathering device, with all the satellites they have, is about the equivalent of using a magnifying glass to fry ants and calling it a space laser.
No problem, they won’t find a lot. There’s even less to see in Ontario than there is to see in Montana. Except for people having goat sex, I hear there’s a lot of that in Montana.

Typical Righties, make it someone else's problem..as long as it's over the line it's not ours. This all ties in to the way they govern though. Xi Jinping and Biden have had a long relationship. Not sending Blinken though was a good idea..we're not anyone's fool.

This actually could strengthen relations by showing countries can make errors or not and can make fools of us further.
Typical Righties, make it someone else's problem..as long as it's over the line it's not ours. This all ties in to the way they govern though. Xi Jinping and Biden have had a long relationship. Not sending Blinken though was a good idea..we're not anyone's fool.

This actually could strengthen relations by showing countries can make errors or not and can make fools of us further.
Could you translate that for me?
Silly Chinese. They spend billions of dollars to build spy satellites to spy on us, when they could've just spent thousands on spy balloons. No wonder their economy is collapsing. 