That's awesome rizzo, be sure to give them plenty of light so you get a bunch of side branching, and when they are 4 or 5 nodes tall tie them down to help increase the yield. The yellow seedling just needs to develop a little chlorophyll as long as it turns green it should be OK.All three have broken ground! Two popped up yesterday and one over the night. The one that popped overnight was bright yellow this morning. It is slowly turning green. Really healthy looking! I have never seen this before. Maybe it has to do with the cooler temps. Any of you guys ever experience this?
I take it u live in jamaica or somethin?I cant post a pic for some reason. oh well. thanks for the advice canned abyss! they are starting their 3rd node today and they get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. i will definitely be tying them down. what kind of yield can i expect outdoors? thanks again!
No problem, they should get at least an ounce but could get several if given enough light and root space.I cant post a pic for some reason. oh well. thanks for the advice canned abyss! they are starting their 3rd node today and they get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. i will definitely be tying them down. what kind of yield can i expect outdoors? thanks again!