
  • ~strains at leash~

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • You're nuts

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Rat in a fur coat

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Torpedo of cuteness

    Votes: 8 44.4%

  • Total voters

when i lived out in the woods (in boogertown.....really...google map it....boogertown rd. gatlinburg tn.....)
i had two white cats. they were like little mountain lions, they had big ropey muscles, and they would hunt together. one would let the squirrels see him, while the other climbed the back of the tree. the one on the ground would hiss at them, and growl....then the other one would knock two or three of them off the branch and they'd both jump on them ....i didn't have to feed them too often, a big bowl of food would last them days sometimes.......until the muskrat started hanging around with them...
When I was a kid, a crazy old man up the street had rescued a family of flying squirrels and had them living on his screen porch. Well one day I was walking by looking at the squirrels play and the old man says come on in and pet one. That was a mistake for a kid with no shirt on, about three of those little bastards ran up my legs across my back and belly. Holy shit I couldn't get out fast enough, hell i looked worse than tar baby in the bier patch.

Ohh I like mine fried in bacon grease, but Crisco will work just fine for me. Corn mill, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, Milwaukee Best..... yummy.
When I was maybe ten, our whole family (mama, dad, me and my two sisters) were doing the zoo in downtown DC. A juvenile squirrel sauntered along a low stone wall, hopped on mama's leg and climbed up INSIDE her fur coat and stuck its face out the collar.

We took that squirrel home and it lived with us for 2 years. I was the only one beside mama who would play with Squirrel. She (Squirrel) liked to run up and down my pant legs and man her claws were sharp.

At the 2 years with us point, she began to get restless. So dad built her a nest box, and we released her into an undeveloped lot next door.

Squirrel came back a year later to show off her two healthy offspring to mama. That was a really special moment.