Butane solubility listed with both pressure and temperature because both affect solubility.
Solubility in water (1.013 bar and 20 °C (68 °F)) : 0.0325 vol/vol
Solubility of Hydrocarbons in Physical Solvents
"This paper compares the solubility of hydrocarbons in several physical solvents such as ethylene glycol, diethylene glycol, triethylene glycol, methanol, and dimethyl ethers of polyethylene glycol (DEPG, a solvent marketed by Union Carbide, UOP, and Coastal). Most of these solvents are designed to extract unwanted components such as water and acid gases. However, these solvents also have a tendency to remove the hydrocarbon product. Quantifying this amount of absorption is critical in order to minimize hydrocarbon losses or to optimize hydrocarbon recovery depending on the objective of the process. The influence of several parameters on hydrocarbon solubility including temperature, pressure and solvent water content is examined. Suggested operating parameters to achieve hydrocarbon absorption objectives are included. Hydrocarbon solubility is a major factor when considering the use of a physical solvent."
http://www.bre.com/portals/0/technicalarticles/Solubility of Hydrocarbons in Physical Solvents.pdf
And just to get nerdier. Why would temp (energy) affect the van der Waals force?
"Cohesive Energy Density
From the heat of vaporization, in calories per cubic centimeter of liquid, we can derive the cohesive energy density (c) by the following expression
c=Cohesive energy density
Δh=Heat of vaporization
r=Gas constant
Vm = Molar volume
In other words, the cohesive energy density of a liquid is a numerical value that indicates the energy of vaporization in calories per cubic centimeter, and is a direct reflection of the degree of van der Waals forces holding the molecules of the liquid together.
Interestingly, this correlation between vaporization and van der Waals forces also translates into a correlation between vaporization and solubility behavior. This is because the same intermolecular attractive forces have to be overcome to vaporize a liquid as to dissolve it. This can be understood by considering what happens when two liquids are mixed: the molecules of each liquid are physically separated by the molecules of the other liquid, similar to the separations that happen during vaporization. The same intermolecular van der Waals forces must be overcome in both cases.
Since the solubility of two materials is only possible when their intermolecular attractive forces are similar, one might also expect that materials with similar cohesive energy density values would be miscible. This is in fact what happens.
Solubility Parameter
In 1936 Joel H. Hildebrand (who laid the foundation for solubility theory in his classic work on the solubility of nonelectrolytes in 1916) proposed the square root of the cohesive energy density as a numerical value indicating the solvency behavior of a specific solvent.
It was not until the third edition of his book in 1950 that the term "solubility parameter" was proposed for this value and the quantity represented by the symbol ∂. Subsequent authors have proposed that the term hildebrands be adopted for solubility parameter units, in order to recognize the tremendous contribution that Dr. Hildebrand has made to solubility theory."
Now I just don't know, I'm too high for all this. lol
kept reading:
"Temperature, concentration, viscosity
The solubility window of a polymer has a specific size, shape, and placement on the Teas graph depending on the polarity and molecular weight of the polymer, and the temperature and concentration at which the measurements are made. Most published solubility data are derived from 10% concentrations at room temperature.
Heat has the effect of increasing the size of the solubility window, due to an increase in the disorder (entropy) of the system. The more disordered a system is (increased entropy), the less it matters how dissimilar the solubility parameters of the components are. Since entropy also relates to the number of elements in a system (more elements=more disorder), polymer grades of lower molecular weight (many small molecules) will have larger solubility windows than polymer grades of higher molecular weight (fewer large molecules)."