Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

I DIYed a smoking stone. Is there any good reason I shouldn't use this?

I've seen single titanium pieces to be used without domes and I've seen ceramic/glass mesh inserts for smoking oil so I don't see why this wouldn't be fine but looking for input.

I took an inert ceramic filter media and filed down one end to fit into my down stem, set the ceramic puck on the stove for half an hour to burn off anything that might have been lingering around. This porous ceramic piece gets really really hot and has a hole down the center so as long as you dab the top near the hole you catch all vapor. It works... is there any reason to be hesitant using it?

Check out this new painting I did... I was sitting around cutting stencils and taking dabbs when it hit me.. make dab stencils! So I made this "oil" painting. It's 100% spray paint all done with stencils. Only thing I drew was the signature. I still call it an oil painting even though its spraypaint...

Check out this new painting I did... I was sitting around cutting stencils and taking dabbs when it hit me.. make dab stencils! So I made this "oil" painting. It's 100% spray paint all done with stencils. Only thing I drew was the signature. I still call it an oil painting even though its spraypaint...


PM me. i know a t-shirt shop that would jump at that in a heartbeat.
Check out this new painting I did... I was sitting around cutting stencils and taking dabbs when it hit me.. make dab stencils! So I made this "oil" painting. It's 100% spray paint all done with stencils. Only thing I drew was the signature. I still call it an oil painting even though its spraypaint...


Thats great. Could totally put it on the wall and those not in the know would have no idea.
Check out this new painting I did... I was sitting around cutting stencils and taking dabbs when it hit me.. make dab stencils! So I made this "oil" painting. It's 100% spray paint all done with stencils. Only thing I drew was the signature. I still call it an oil painting even though its spraypaint...


I like it but not sure what the beehives have to do with anything.
Check out this new painting I did... I was sitting around cutting stencils and taking dabbs when it hit me.. make dab stencils! So I made this "oil" painting. It's 100% spray paint all done with stencils. Only thing I drew was the signature. I still call it an oil painting even though its spraypaint...


Would LOVE to have that hanging on my wall. Fucking awesome, nice job.