Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

i just picked this up . . . . .
love the skillet, and this design dome called a kettle dome dosa design i think

Dosa is the artist who originally designed them, he calls them Kettle Curves........... The first few in clear he made sold for close to $300........ People either love it or think its too airy......... Nice thing about oil is you can try all ways, including this one. :) :) Nice pickup.........
WOW they are selling the dome for $100?? wild

a little steep for me :?

then again im not buying anything from dab lab

He sells it to them, they have to retail! I'm sure your price would be a little different. :) :) :) Another +1 for RIU!

I think the most expensive thing I've sold was $75. Too many domes and dishes lately, today when I get home in a few hours its time to start making oil rigs........... I've got a two piece design in mind, but have very little experience (believe it or not) pulling clear tubing out and shaping it versus shaping custom color tubing that I pulled and make small items from.......... I bet it'll take 3 or 4 tries before I do one I like........... Enough customers have asked for them...........

Plus I can make the full rig, the accessory dish and dabbers and ti dabbers/nails too, a one stop shop cometh' soon!
love the skillet, and this design dome called a kettle dome dosa design i think

Hell yeah dude :)... I've heard of & seen the kettle curve/skillets for a while... I've seen some really nice worked ones, and I would have picked one up but I only saw them for like $300 for the worked ones..

Any chance I can pick up a rig like yours somewhere? :)

bro this whole industry is taxed so hard. the only thing i buy from stores is cans of tane.
No shit man! We are the smart ones though, sadly.

Even the cases of tane are starting to catch some of the BULLSHIT.... I'm in there picking up a $50 case for the third time in 3 months and the dude has the nerve to tell me he won't sell them for $50 anymore... "sorry bro I have to do them for like at least 60 or 65 or I don't make any money" I say, What if I buy two or three at once? "Sorry bro 65 next time"... Last time I went to that store, it sucked anyway.

Fucking heroin junkie can't sell me some fucking butane..... They were selling clear, shitty domes with male male adapters with nails seperate for $90..... Clear swings with a Ti Pad? $130..... :lol: :Lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm stocked on butane for a few months now, but I need to find a reputable place to pick up $50 cases...... I even talked to the biggest store within like 200 miles and they wont cut me a deal on THREE cases, if I FRONT them for an ORDER that would take a WEEK anyway...

Why are some psuedo-stoners such ASSHOLES? :?
Power 5x on eBay, $3 a can delivered........ $66 for 2 cases, they are the blue cans (good!) not the yellow cans (bad!). Compared to vector it looks the same, I stopped buying vector entirely now.......
While were at it...

Whats everyone paying for butane?

Taxes excluded of course..

I'm going to check out ebay now :p

I wonder if i could get a crate ordered and do a private RIU group buy! I know some of you folks would take 3-5 cases at discount :lol: .... does butane technically expire in a can?