Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

CO2 extractions arent common, but are creeping up more and more. I've tried a few that a friend "imported" from Colorado, and it was good oil, but didnt seem to have that "YEA I'M FUCKIN HIGH NOW!" felling that a similar sized BHO rip gave........ Could have been the oil, only had a few rips to sample, but that was my first impressions.....
707 headband erlz yo ;)
Ya your right.. they are showing up more and more. Out here where i'am, there selling BHO calling it CO2. So it's
hard to tell whats what unless you do the test yourself. As i read through the tread, i read a post by matt rize saying
your could "not" do Super Critical Fluid extraction at home. Not sure if the video above is proving that. But from the looks,
it does.

im not trying to sound like an asshole-im just trying to get the fact strait
Ya your right.. they are showing up more and more. Out here where i'am, there selling BHO calling it CO2. So it's
hard to tell whats what unless you do the test yourself. As i read through the tread, i read a post by matt rize saying
your could "not" do Super Critical Fluid extraction at home. Not sure if the video above is proving that. But from the looks,
it does.

im not trying to sound like an asshole-im just trying to get the fact strait
that is subcritical CO2 (liquid phase, its in the name of the video), not super critical phase. look up the parameters for CO2 phase shifts. If they can get CO2 supercritical, they have a 1/4 million dollar machine to build that pressure and temperature. The yellow area represents super critical CO2 parameters.


If I run dry ice with my lighterfluid, that is subcritical CO2. But is that a CO2 extract? Not really. Is CO2 playing a role as a solvent in this situation? Im not even sure. I don't think the pressure or heat in the tube are high enough to yield liquid CO2. Meaning the dry ice is subliming and not playing a role as a solvent. And this (BHO run with dry ice) is what dispensaries often mislabel as CO2 extract.
Ok with that said matt.. is it possible to extract the trichomes from the marijuana when the CO2 goes Super Critical(liquid)?
Not the "Super Critical Phase" your talking about. But the one seen in the video.

Have you seen or heard of this done?
Sry dis-regard my last post. i misread yours at first. I believe the CO2 is acting like a solvent though, striping the limonene from the orange pills. They are extracting orange oil from shredded orange pills. Limonene is actually found in some marijuana. Also Pure Gold Oil from Tetra Labs claims there oil is 5% limonene.
Here's another video explaining better. Read Description first. [video=youtube;PCW8Ohhqezk][/video]
just pass it over to magweedo, if anyone can do it... its him

Loved the background on that... Chillin in front of the grow lab, thats how it should be :lol:.

& at oakley I must say I'm super impressed! Lots of delicious oil !
Sry dis-regard my last post. i misread yours at first. I believe the CO2 is acting like a solvent though, striping the limonene from the orange pills. They are extracting orange oil from shredded orange pills. Limonene is actually found in some marijuana. Also Pure Gold Oil from Tetra Labs claims there oil is 5% limonene.
I think we agree. CO2 can act as a solvent for cannabis, fairly simple, but its subcritical liquid phase, like in the video. The devices from eden labs, those are designed for and only operate at subcritical CO2 liquid phase parameters, but everyone calls it supercritical anyways so they can charge more and sound fancy.
I think we agree. CO2 can act as a solvent for cannabis, fairly simple, but its subcritical liquid phase, like in the video. The devices from eden labs, those are designed for and only operate at subcritical CO2 liquid phase parameters, but everyone calls it supercritical anyways so they can charge more and sound fancy.

Im actually in the process of getting the material needed to try the process in the video at home.(with marijuana of course).
One more question i have for you matt before i get started. From reading some post i noticed you studied chemistry.
Do you have any doubt that when the CO2 enters the liquid phase, it wont pick up any cannabinoids/terpinoids?

The link below is to the "ehow" website stating how the process is achieved:
Alos from other readings i've done, some claim another solvent is needed also during the extraction. If so can't "Limonene" be used as the second solvent?
It to is non-polar i believe.
Im actually in the process of getting the material needed to try the process in the video at home.(with marijuana of course).
One more question i have for you matt before i get started. From reading some post i noticed you studied chemistry.
Do you have any doubt that when the CO2 enters the liquid phase, it wont pick up any cannabinoids/terpinoids?

Alos from other readings i've done, some claim another solvent is needed also during the extraction. If so can't "Limonene" be used as the second solvent?
It to is non-polar i believe.
Based on simple polarities, the CO2 in liquid form should dissolve the cannabinoids.
I assume adding another solvent with CO2 increases the yield and spectrum of compound dissolved in the solution.
Limonene is not a solvent in any real sense. I think its liquid at room temperature, but I think its slightly polar like many terpenoids.
Based on simple polarities, the CO2 in liquid form should dissolve the cannabinoids.
I assume adding another solvent with CO2 increases the yield and spectrum of compound dissolved in the solution.
Limonene is not a solvent in any real sense. I think its liquid at room temperature, but I think its slightly polar like many terpenoids.
Ok thanks for your input. Maybe i wont use the co-solvent(limonene) with it. I was thinking it would be easier to remove the extracted cannabinoids/terpinoids if there was another solvent added, then remove the co-solvent by other processes.

Does anyone know any good CO2 forums with good advice?
Why does it say there are 46 pages on this thread when I can only access 45? :?

edit: OK yeah I totally missed all those posts on page 46 until I deleted all my cookies... Weird..
Based on simple polarities, the CO2 in liquid form should dissolve the cannabinoids.
I assume adding another solvent with CO2 increases the yield and spectrum of compound dissolved in the solution.
Limonene is not a solvent in any real sense. I think its liquid at room temperature, but I think its slightly polar like many terpenoids.

Limonene is a pretty good solvent, but it is rather fragrant and high-boiling. It is being used in a variety of "safer" household goods, like degreasers and paint /varnish strippers. It is too nonvolatile for easy cannabis work imo. cn