Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

I just dont trust the purity of TI at near 1000C.

why r u heatinh ur nail that hot???

if u buy ur ti nail from the cigarette shop down the street that sells nothing but chinese glass u prbly will get a knock off nail too. i bought mine at a very reputable place in the bay so i am not worried at all.
I am not. I dont even own one to be honest.

not sure about you guys, but im sure some people do heat their nail red hot, which is very close to 1000C... same as a butter knife in the torch when we alllll did blades when we were younger.

general rule is that when its glowing hot, its near 1000C

I dont know. im sure many of you here have pure nails, the people here seem to know their shit. but I imagine theres thousands of people out there with cheap chinese fake TI nails. every ebay seller ive seen says theyve sold near 100+ of each of their nails.
Heating your nail to 1800F?

I let mine get to where it just begins to glow red, then I shut off the torch, let the red dissipate, and dab. :)

I get the best flavor from that. Oil tastes shitty off glowing red nails anyway. Most experienced dabbers know this..
Heating your nail to 1800F?

I let mine get to where it just begins to glow red, then I shut off the torch, let the red dissipate, and dab. :)

I get the best flavor from that. Oil tastes shitty off glowing red nails anyway. Most experienced dabbers know this..

sorry. I meant 1000F.. 520 or so celcius... can a butane torch even heat TI to 1800F/1000C?
Heating your nail to 1800F?

I let mine get to where it just begins to glow red, then I shut off the torch, let the red dissipate, and dab. :)

I get the best flavor from that. Oil tastes shitty off glowing red nails anyway. Most experienced dabbers know this..

exactly thats the only way to go
That's what I was just about to start looking around here for... what's a good vacc.

We just heated it over warm water and whipped the shit out of it. Let it sit over night for about 10 hours then whipped it a bunch more. I can still taste a bit of 'tane in it, but nothing like the experimental dab I took before really whipping it.
I know there's butane in it still because it leaves that after burn in my lungs after I exhale. It still taste and smokes amazing though
exactly thats the only way to go

um . . .. . no

most say black heat is where you want to dab . . .as your hit is rolling around on the bottom and not bubbling all its doing is being combusted before you can inhale it, imho

400 or so degrees is where i heat my shit too, and for ti thats black heat

but i do like to do red hot test, to see how clean it is . . . dab instantly when red hot to see if it flames up or produces black smoke . . . if so then its real bad stuff
I like a partial combustion on my extracts w a Ti set up. My solvent of choice be co2 and assisted w ethanol. 2% of total co2 weight is calculated and added to preserve taste, increase yields w no penalty of diluting extract, high selectivity, food grade, and to cover the polar areas co2 does not cover. I leave a slight ethanol residue no >15%. At this moisture percentage its pretty much water aiding in the prevention of combustion and allowing the honey oil to vaporize very efficiently off a red hot nail. Supercritical is ultra clean.

in CA
Peacepipe ordered some after they saw I had one. :)
yeah id definitely like to get one of those.
I emailed Joel on facebook and he said 110$ shipped when hes got the material in to make more. seems a little pricey. but look like it works great.
thank you!
quartz is healthier. how much does a new set of lungs cost? is it really worth saving 40$ to ruin your lungs?
Its funny how folks who have never gave quartz an honest chance (it ain't cheap to try) already think Ti is superior and/or tasteless. It took me a long time, and finding the right quartz nail, to believe what Julio told me three years ago: Quartz when used properly tastes better, but you have to do smaller dabs at the right temp and its blind. Meaning we let the nail cool to the correct temp, but there is no glow to watch so it has to be from experience.
So your basic point is you don't trust manufacturers to use grade 1 or 2 titanium, because there is a slight chance they lie to everybody?
No scientific facts?
Highly Educated seems like a good company. And I don't think it's very difficult to secure a good supply of medical grade titanium for these big manufacturers.. I'll keep torching my v2 :p.
To be fair there are very little facts on either side of the Ti business. I've been told, when asking about Highly Educated in groups to "trust in Task". In reality vaporizing hash oil off Ti is relatively new and we are the lab rats in this experiment. I'd like to think the protective and healing powers of cannabis oil vapor balance out any negative affects from vaping off Titanium 20+ times per day ... heh ;)
It's 100% quartz....joint too....that's why the price is high.....that...and the pain in the ass to work with quartz....the joint alone cost him $25-30 before its even been put to a torch.......haven't used my Ti in a while!!!
I hear working with quartz is the major hurdle in the spread of domeless quartz nails, very few have the skill and time.
I use the 2 stage from harbor freight.. Make sure to invest in a good vacuum chamber also.
I'll just say it and try to not be rude about it. From my experience the harbor freight vacuums are seriously inferior compared to larger, and more expensive, vacuum pumps like the ones from JB and Yellowjacket. A deeper vac allows you to purge in a shorter amount of time at lower temps, resulting in more flavor retention and potentially a more complete purge. Once I upgraded from harborfreight to JB my erlz stepped up in terms of stability and flavor. Plus the lack of cut-off valve on the harborfreight series can lead to vacuum oil contaminating the chamber. All professional vacs have cut off valves built in, for keeping the contents under vacuum while the vac is off.

The ebay stock-pot rigged-up vac chambers are inferior to the scientific company chambers as well, on several levels. From design to size, to release valves and better gauges, inLab Designs crushes EBay for chambers. I've been running them side by side and its no competition. Thats a whole other issue. If scientific grade gear was reasonably priced many others would be agreeing with this assessment. By next year this will be common knowledge.


wize up!
very well said. I couldnt agree more!

I was going to buy a harbor freight (princess auto for canadians) electric vacuum, but if it anything like its other tools.. I am going to stay far far away. built very cheaply and missing many handy features just to cut down on the price.

very interesting on what you have to say about the vacuum chamber. I am on the never ending search for the PERFECT vac chamber. seems its not easy! the vac-it-pro is not a home made one. what is your opinion on that kind?
I'll just say it and try to not be rude about it. From my experience the harbor freight vacuums are seriously inferior compared to larger, and more expensive, vacuum pumps like the ones from JB and Yellowjacket. A deeper vac allows you to purge in a shorter amount of time at lower temps, resulting in more flavor retention and potentially a more complete purge. Once I upgraded from harborfreight to JB my erlz stepped up in terms of stability and flavor. Plus the lack of cut-off valve on the harborfreight series can lead to vacuum oil contaminating the chamber. All professional vacs have cut off valves built in, for keeping the contents under vacuum while the vac is off.


wize up!

Word, no I understand completely - Harbor Freight is entry level. I usually tell people new to vacuums to try out the harbor freight because it's idiot proof (minus the cut off valve). For instance - you can drop the Harbor freight pump from above your head, or into the pool, and destroy it because your a dumbass. However, as long as you spent $20 on the warranty, in addition to the $150 for the pump, you can go get a new one and keep purging and learning.

My reasoning is that many people are unwilling to even spend the $150 on a pump, and would rather whip terrible hash oil than spend any money. Yuck. No thanks I don't want to try your "budder".

So yes, I always tell people to drop the $150+20 for a harbor freight 2 stage, and to make sure to add the extra time required to make sure it's fully purged. If they find they like making hash oil then I would always recommend buying a closed system and a better pump. But the most people start out on open systems with entry level vacuums. 2 stage $150 vacuum is always better than a 1 stage $70 vacuum I say. :) That's my reasoning for continually suggesting the Habor Freight, at least.

As for my own information, what do you recommend for someone like me who is pretty used to this stuff by now? I'm on my second harbor freight and ready to upgrade for non commercial, personal use. I've seen pumps ranging from $400-$1000 but I'm not sure which would be the most appropriate for vacuum purging oil. I've been meaning to get a new one, but haven't had any crops to run until now. Also didn't feel like making a blind purchase one night. :)

Thanks for contributing, brother. I'm sure everyone reading, including myself appreciates it. :peace:
I went thru many HarborFreights along the way. A trick for all of you is to put the harbor freight pumps on a power strip, put the pump power switch to the "on" position and leave it there because it often breaks. Use the power strip as your power switch instead of the one built into the pump. This prevents breaking that switch, the #1 problem with harbor freight pumps. And a two-stage harbor freight is better than a more expensive mastercool one stage.

I like the JB series, retails around $550. They are built to be serviced not replaced. Change your oil as often as affordable I say. The oil exhaust vapor comes out of a hose connect and you vent the vapor outside. This is not possible with harborfreight's design. A HUGE HEALTH RISK ASSOCIATED WITH MAKING SHATTER IS INHALATION OF THE VACUUM PUMP OIL. This vapor is terrible on your lungs and very stable, meaning it takes a long time to go away. Please avoid inhaling this vacuump pump oil vapor at all costs.

I tested the Ebay chambers (100 to $200), just search vacuum chamber on ebay and they come up, basically stock pots with a rigged up piece of plastic for the top allowing vacuum, with a release valve. There is a threaded hole on the top, that allows the the pump to attach to the vessel. This must be hand tightened and continually retightened. These big chambers allow folks to do purge big runs, but the physics of larger purge vessels tend towards incomplete purging. The smaller the vessel, the deeper the overall vacuum achievable.

3 gallon ebay unit.

This is a scientific vacuum chamber. There is a cut off valve leading to the pump, to really hold deep vacuum. Also the additional release valve. The pump is attached to the chamber via a hose clamp instead of threading, so this crucial stress point is replaceable, unlike the ebay units.
so as far as the TI vs quartz thing, this isn't necessarily a health thing vs a taste thing correct? it seems like the things people allude to as far as health and TI is based on very anecdotal information.
Word, no I understand completely - Harbor Freight is entry level. I usually tell people new to vacuums to try out the harbor freight because it's idiot proof (minus the cut off valve). For instance - you can drop the Harbor freight pump from above your head, or into the pool, and destroy it because your a dumbass. However, as long as you spent $20 on the warranty, in addition to the $150 for the pump, you can go get a new one and keep purging and learning.

My reasoning is that many people are unwilling to even spend the $150 on a pump, and would rather whip terrible hash oil than spend any money. Yuck. No thanks I don't want to try your "budder".

So yes, I always tell people to drop the $150+20 for a harbor freight 2 stage, and to make sure to add the extra time required to make sure it's fully purged. If they find they like making hash oil then I would always recommend buying a closed system and a better pump. But the most people start out on open systems with entry level vacuums. 2 stage $150 vacuum is always better than a 1 stage $70 vacuum I say. :) That's my reasoning for continually suggesting the Habor Freight, at least.

As for my own information, what do you recommend for someone like me who is pretty used to this stuff by now? I'm on my second harbor freight and ready to upgrade for non commercial, personal use. I've seen pumps ranging from $400-$1000 but I'm not sure which would be the most appropriate for vacuum purging oil. I've been meaning to get a new one, but haven't had any crops to run until now. Also didn't feel like making a blind purchase one night. :)

Thanks for contributing, brother. I'm sure everyone reading, including myself appreciates it. :peace:

awesome information
noob here with nooby question

been readin this and many other bho/concentrate threads, also started seeing more and more vapor things at my lhs's and they really interested me. my state, mass, recently went medical so i can only assume the dab life will spread out here and i sure dont mind being a pioneer.

1 question, so for my 1st bho, i dont particularly wanna pay for a vacuum thing. would multiple courses of whipping/stirring and heating (performed in a gentle manner with the utmost care) be sufficient to remove most of the butane ? what role does time as a variable have to play in this ? i think sr verde did a batch and let it sit unmolested for like a month.. should i do something like that ? in short, whats the best method toget out the most butane w/o creating a vacuum ? assuming i cannot make a vacuum with household objects