Word, no I understand completely - Harbor Freight is entry level. I usually tell people new to vacuums to try out the harbor freight because it's idiot proof (minus the cut off valve). For instance - you can drop the Harbor freight pump from above your head, or into the pool, and destroy it because your a dumbass. However, as long as you spent $20 on the warranty, in addition to the $150 for the pump, you can go get a new one and keep purging and learning.
My reasoning is that many people are unwilling to even spend the $150 on a pump, and would rather whip terrible hash oil than spend any money. Yuck. No thanks I don't want to try your "budder".
So yes, I always tell people to drop the $150+20 for a harbor freight 2 stage, and to make sure to add the extra time required to make sure it's fully purged. If they find they like making hash oil then I would always recommend buying a closed system and a better pump. But the most people start out on open systems with entry level vacuums. 2 stage $150 vacuum is always better than a 1 stage $70 vacuum I say.

That's my reasoning for continually suggesting the Habor Freight, at least.
As for my own information, what do you recommend for someone like me who is pretty used to this stuff by now? I'm on my second harbor freight and ready to upgrade for non commercial, personal use. I've seen pumps ranging from $400-$1000 but I'm not sure which would be the most appropriate for vacuum purging oil. I've been meaning to get a new one, but haven't had any crops to run until now. Also didn't feel like making a blind purchase one night.
Thanks for contributing, brother. I'm sure everyone reading, including myself appreciates it.