Sr. Verde's: ROLLITUP GLASS INDEX [Post your collection here]

Because I have a lathe and am going to be making tubes and setting up my shop for multiple torches. I am gonna keep my smaller 110 kiln. Not getting the xl. It's a 1000$ off at mountain glass this month.. might get the paragon f240 from grassroots show though. Talking to dave from abr and he is selling the flameoff models for cheap
I think that's faded creaming himself over the lathe, and kiln you have :lol:

And don't feel dumb about the shipping! That's why you ask questions, so we can answer and help out :)

Keep doing what your doing dank!
jeezus, ... :roll:

i asked a question, then scrolled down and saw it had been answered so i edited my post.

you all gonna be OK now?
You know you can delete your own posts, right? ;)

so this is the topic of the day then? :sleep:

yes, i know a lot of things. ;)

i prefer a narrower, taller kiln over a shorter, fatter one. the last thing i want to do is lay down a tube to anneal it.

lathes are for people with weak arms. ;) :)
so this is the topic of the day then? :sleep:

yes, i know a lot of things. ;)

i prefer a narrower, taller kiln over a shorter, fatter one. the last thing i want to do is lay down a tube to anneal it.

lathes are for people with weak arms. ;) :)
im leaning towards the paragon f-240 so i can spend more money on supplies. that way i can go to the grassroots flame off one state over and drive it home.. waay cooler than 250$ shipping
anything that makes it easier is alright with me... the lathe is for perfection. im changing my studio to accomodate 3 torches and have friends that are familiar with glass lathes. my dad obtained it from the shop he worked at that closed down.. its not like im paying 5000$ for it. it was free. so might as well make some bank off it..
Having gone from the 20" width bluebird to the 11" width f-130 digital, I am really happy with that but vac stacks I either have to cut into two pieces or let it lay at an angle from top left to bottom right of the kiln....... That's about the only drawback.........

Skutt makes real nice stuff. There isnt much resale info on them yet since they are all kinda new and already sooooooooooooo discounted from such a HUGE msrp to begin with........ Top of the line for sure, and with multiple torches that's a nice little shop bling. ;)
just buy prestacked tubing. ;)

it's just wig-wags.

There's a certain good point to the premade tubing argument right now.......... For just color tubing (no dichro) I like making my own. Using 50x3.5 instead of 50x5 each piece looks a lot more dense too, the 50x5 washes the color out a little bit when you pull it down real good and the 50x5 is what most people use because its thicker...... Strangely the wag tubing that EU sells uses medium wall INNER tube but that doesnt help the outside wall which is what actually matters........

Here's how I see it, 2/3 clear ($2) 1/3 color ($10) Oxygen/propane/kiln ($1) for a 1# vac stack............ $13 and about 40 minutes start to finish in time aint too shabby versus $50-$70/#++ And I get to pick my own color combos =)
the f-130s are 1000$ you happy with it? what did you pay?

I paid $1050 for mine from Mountain Glass. They sell it for $1188 today, but I bet they would match the price that I just paid around a month ago for it................... If not tell me and I'll put a call in to them I have to make a glass order today or monday anyhow
they are 1000$ at the flameoff. that doesnt seem like much of a discount for buying a used kiln.. pondering what kiln to buy..... dont wanna spend more than 2000$ really.. any help?
i read the thread wrong. it was 1000$ at the show for new kilns, not the ones from the flameoff. im gonna see whos sponsoring and what kilns they are. those ones usually go for cheap..
i read the thread wrong. it was 1000$ at the show for new kilns, not the ones from the flameoff. im gonna see whos sponsoring and what kilns they are. those ones usually go for cheap..

i got my show kiln, f-130, from ABR. they fired it up at vegas but never used it. burnt all the "new kiln smell" out for me. i think i paid 800 plus 100 shipping.