Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Okay-it's been about 15 years (when overgrow was around) since I have grown or posted about it so here we go:
I recently picked up two clones from my dispensary SSH and NYD

I am using an apollo 400w system with great success! I have been fighting heat until I can get my new 6" can max for proper exhaust-100cfm 4" just doesn't cool a 3Wx5Lx9H room very well so I'm gonna move it to the intake and use the new cool tube fixture (properly) I picked up. To say the least I am stoked...

The SSH is, as most of you seasoned growers know, a tall and lanky one. My first grow 15 years ago was a super haze seeded from Dutch passion (amazing genetics!), white widow and pure power plant, so I am comfortable with this SSH I've got going. The NYD is new to me (for growing) but the growth is awesome with leaves larger than my hands (I'm 6'6"). Both were vegged under a 200w (digital dimmable) for a few weeks then increased to 300w before pulling clones and putting into flower about 6 days ago. I'm an organic kind of guy so I'm all 5gal bucket, soil, bloodmeal, bonemeal, carbon filtered tap water and nothing more-I know this irks some people and I'm sure there are lots of opinions on it but it works for me and I have had zero issues in the past.

At flower they were about 20"
each and today they are about 26" this morning. Ill post pics tonight when I get a chance and figure it out :).

My temps have been around 80-86 by end of day which is the reason for the bigger volume fan-I calculated incorrectly in the beginning.

I guess the one thing I don't know is will increasing to 400w hurt the flowering process if I add it in the next week or so? Other than that I feel like I'm smooth sailing...
IMG_4560.jpgIMG_4658.jpg091.jpg093.jpg001.jpgThese are from day one with weekly updated photos...I'll add some soon from their current state (currently flowering day 8). The SSH is on the left and the NYD is on the right-these are legit strains I've enjoyed from my dispensary-don't know why it took so long to get my own clones!



Well-Known Member
Welcome back! I also recently started growing after about 15 years. I think you should be fine to go to 400w as long as you get the new fan hooked up and keep temps under about 82 degrees. Good luck man.

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Welcome back! I also recently started growing after about 15 years. I think you should be fine to go to 400w as long as you get the new fan hooked up and keep temps under about 82 degrees. Good luck man.
Thank you! I'm excited to get the heat under control-my first grow was a little sunsystem 150 so this is a good step up! I just try to keep it simple :) i am going to try and build a DIY carbon filter, the more I read the more I think it will work!

Hazey One

Well-Known Member

Day 6 flowering...NYD is starting to really take off for flowers, SSH is being a Haze and taking her sweet time. :)

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Finally!! 6" insulated ducting to cool things down! I'm runnin a 4" with a reducer till I get my 6" fan next week but already I saw and felt a difference utilizing my
Cool tube. Plus the R6 insulated ducting helps :) I'll be building the carbon filter next week as well and then the room will be finalized. The SSH has reached 34" and the NYD has reached 32.5"! Come on babies!!! :D

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Finally!! 6" insulated ducting to cool things down! I'm runnin a 4" with a reducer till I get my 6" fan next week but already I saw and felt a difference utilizing my
Cool tube. Plus the R6 insulated ducting helps :) I'll be building the carbon filter next week as well and then the room will be finalized. The SSH has reached 34" and the NYD has reached 32.5"! Come on babies!!! :D

My two clones are still hangin in there-NYD rooted officially and so quickly (7 days) but SSH is taking her time-stem is rooted but I can't see them yet. I used the only powder hormone the store had: Bontone rooting powder. I also took someone's experienced method and used a regular cooler (like for beer etc) with Saran Wrap over it under a small flourescent-keeps em warm and stable! :)

Updated pics soon.

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Found a sweet countdown for flowering app-called "T-Zero" I know flowering is approximate based on many factors but if your as antsy as me you will like it. Especially if you have many strains and different flowering times to track. Day 8 of flower-SSH and NYD are both showing good flower growth. SSH managed to get to 39" today, NYD is holding at 35" so far so good!

Hazey One

Well-Known Member

Sorry about the HPS light but you can see the leaves stacking up already, nice white pistils are appearing everywhere on both the SSH (on the left) and the NYD (on the right). Its gonna be a long winter-good thing my dispensary keeps these buds stocked all the time! :) Harvest will occur close to my birthday-yeah...I planned it that way :D

As always, comments are welcome. the SSH is uneven due to a mistake trying to top in week 2 of veg-I did it improperly and it didn't stunt -the branch actually grew faster than the rest.

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
So a digital timer just decided to reset itself and hold it at 12am so my fans didn't come on this morning on their own-luckily I caught it. It's a digital two outlet and I'm running a small 100cfm fan (soon to be a max fan today!) and a regular Honeywell fan (small)-anyone have a recommendation for a better one?? This thing is crap!! It was a Home Depot special (GE I think) I need a reliable one, obviously. Anyone got suggestions?

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Holy Shit!! I just got a can fan max fan yesterday. Wow. Anyone trying to figure out which fan to get - get this one. I had a shitty little 100cfm duct fan that couldn't keep my hps (and hid in veg when I started) cool and the room was consistently 85 by the time I got home from work everyday. I have no issues now. Just running this baby on low made a 10 degree difference!!! Unreal. Don't consider anything else fan wise unless you want a mediocre fan. I can't believe how awesome my room is now. I've been struggling from the day I increased from 200w to 300w for flower-I now know I can bump it up to 400w now! This baby moves some serious air! The exhaust louvers are full open now! Rad. My day is now complete. I was using insulated ducting (R6) but removed the insulation cuz it was bulky and now I don't need it :D. Seriously-get one if your looking for a good fan-I can't praise this thing enough!

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
OKay, been a while since I added photos-I am on the beginning of week 3, bumped my ballast up to the max, 400w after finally getting the new Can Fan Max Fan (6")-immense difference in temps! My girls are growing up and slowly filling in but I can see the start of resin all over the SSH- the new york is taking her sweet time but filling in nicely:

Left to Right: SSH NYD NYD SSH

End of week 2

They seem to be right on schedule!

SSH is now 46" and the NYD is now 43"

I count roughly 12 tops each but end of season will tell all... :) Happy Days!

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Anyone have experience with the NYD? I'm sure it's fine but curious-I read NYD takes longer than my SSH? Obviously I'll go off of the resin gland color and overall appearance but it seems a bit slower-flowering for sure but slower

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Girls are growing up really nice! Temps are completely stable! The NYD showed some droopy young leaves in a few spots and I concluded that it was either overwatering (twice a week with 1 gal water for each 5gal bucket) or it wasn't getting enough light-or both. I moved the New York into the super silver haze spot. The leaves were still firm and are looking better now. My super silver haze and New York diesel are now double their height in 17 days of flowering: super silver haze at 47" and the New York is now at 44". They are so beautiful! I just switched out to an Apollo 14 power strip (mechanical timer built in) and am very happy to have everything on a timer now (except the oscillating tower fan). When they finish in approximately January I will be a very happy camper for my b-day! Already thinking about the next run-I pulled two clones before flowering, one each and they are well rooted and in slow grow mode under flourescent lighting now. I may just get to be a perpetual grower yet! :) so stoked! These flowers are smelling awesome and it is still pretty early. No nutes given and they are green as ever! Organic-the only way to grow for me!

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Still not sure what caused the younger top leaves at the flowers of the NYD to droop and curl under-over watering, under watering, nutrient lock-so I figure over watering is easier to come back from so I watered (a day late of twice a week) with 1gal water that was ph adjusted this morning. See how it goes-the water in was 7 and the water out has been consistently 7 so I changed the water today to 6.5 to see if there is a good change in the next few days. Anyone experienced this? Ill post an example later to make it more clear-it's only on one plant and only a few top flowers leaves (young ones). I had a temperature issue that is under control now but it was up to just about a week and a half ago-temps reached 86-87 by end of day so I'm thinking it might be heat stress too. Any input would be appreciated-I have scoured all the sites and still can't tell. All organic and haven't been adding anything other than carbon filtered water. Temps since I got the fan are now around 74-79 all day.

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
Plants are doing great, small bit of leaf curl on the NYC diesel and SSH is...well...perfect so far. :) With the help of "The TimeKeeper" here on RIU Im just not gonna worry too much about the young leaves on the flowers curling under. They are still curled but it has not progressed either. Not sure what is going on but gonna try and let the soil dry up a bit more to make sure it was not overwatering. 5 gallon buckets hold a lot of water so even by weight it is difficult for me to assess when they really need it-time to get a moisture meter! All new growth on both NYCD and SSH is healthy and reaching for the 400 watter on this 19th day of flowering. Damn it smells good when the fan first kicks on! :) Time to build the carbon filter!

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
SSH porn (sorry about the HPS)


NYC Diesel BUD Porn:

NYC is just starting to show some trich's - late bloomer :)

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
214.jpgSSH, my prized baby...lil closeup of one of the colas
207.jpgNYC Diesel starting to gain a little weight inside, still easy on the trich's, definitely gonna have a long finisher at this rate, curling seems to be gone from any new growth and overall very healthy. This one has some very, very wide leaves yet still takes the mexican sativa side with height...only the end of 3 weeks flowering now.

Hazey One

Well-Known Member
004.jpg NYC diesel, this strain really is slow on trich production. Today I noticed a melon smell. Not what I expected but I figure it will change a lot. These colas are going to be big I think.

007.jpg SSH with many possible colas...glad I flowered at ~24", the resin is really predominant close to the flowers and even the little stems holding the secondary flowers are covered with resin now.

Comments welcome-anyone else experience melon scent on a Diesel?

