SSH Auto Problem


Active Member
right shes on day 42 and being a auto she only has 32 day's left.
I have been away for a week and a cousin has been looking after her.
Problem is with the leave's turning this colour, but she has amber now showing since i have been away.Any idea's would be greatful since i am only a new grower and ph is on 5.8 temps are 25 degs C with humidity %48

Robert Paulson

Active Member
well its deficient in something i would say. its probably trying to flower hard and not getting enough of something specific, of what i am not sure. probably nitrogen. does your cocktail of nutes for flower cut out all of the nitrogen?


Active Member
I am using budzilla 30 30 70
Mate said it was the best thing to use, she was not like this last week, So wondering if my cousin done something with her while i was away since she had no yellow leave's on her or any of the other's, I have flushed them today and going to use potash at some stage but thinking if i should use something lower or if my cousin has been feeding them with the budzilla mix over watering them.


Active Member
Rob i just done the water and got what was in the tray and tested them that way with a ph pen mate said it was fine doing it that way, Like what i said im a new grower so any help and input is great at this stage.
Mean to get up to 200 grams from this strain but think i have stuffed it up :S


Active Member
So just flushing them will save them as with only being a short life being auto of 75 days from seed i am worried with the yeild but she has alot of bud's showing everywhere, joy's of learning new way's and the help from here is alway's a good thing.
And the yellowing leave is only in the top middle cola also not the rest of the plant, Dont think i will add any nute's for a week to see how it goe's, at the end of the day, Have to learn from making miskate's i guess, And learnt not to let my cousin anywhere near them again when i go away out of town lol


Active Member
2011-05-23 01-29-46.679.jpg this is what she look's like yes i no shit lighting but give's your a fair idea why i want to work this problem out with the yellow leave's, so will only give her normal rain water now for the next couple of week's, Hopefully i get a alright yeild off her and the other's