SSRI's, Children, School Shootings ?

Could experimental psychotropic drugs cause violent behavior and thoughts of suicide?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 70.0%
  • No

    Votes: 2 20.0%
  • Not Mine

    Votes: 1 10.0%

  • Total voters


Some sheople just refuse to accept it, and that is why it is allowed to go on. Speak up, and get shouted down as a nut.


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well, when the consensus is that the government is using HAARP to change the weather and chemtrails to poison the public and fluoride to make the frogs gay and SSRIs to trigger gun massacres in schools (which are false flag crisis actor setups, by the way), then there is nothing left to conclude but that we are in a post-truth society.

infowars and fake birth certificates were bad enough, i guess we have to endure this crazy shit for a while until people snap back into reality.
well, when the consensus is that the government is using HAARP to change the weather and chemtrails to poison the public and fluoride to make the frogs gay and SSRIs to trigger gun massacres in schools (which are false flag crisis actor setups, by the way), then there is nothing left to conclude but that we are in a post-truth society.

infowars and fake birth certificates were bad enough, i guess we have to endure this crazy shit for a while until people snap back into reality.

Well, I posted a video from our govt talking about HAARP's purpose, so I'm not sure how much can be left to the imagination. I think it has been well documented, as has our govt's dropping shit on us for over half a century, so keep denying, but tell us how we're all racist nuts, because you're the expert.

Don;t really know about the flouride, but it seems a lot of people here been drinking it. Penis.
I posted a video from our govt t

it was actually a youtube video

but hey, youtube videos are the supreme authority and are not to be questioned, mocked, or belittled.

the secret government conspiracy to control the weather and poison us with sky chemicals has most certainly been unraveled by a bunch of conspiracy theorists monetizing click-pennies off of fellow conspiracy theorists on youtube.

it is just the most likely explanation and we should accept it.

because youtube
this whole thread should be moved to politics where it belongs. sock puppet OP is just trying to poison the well on gun control (a clearly political issue).

if there were a 'conspiracy theories and infowars' section, that would be the more appropriate place but since we do not have one of those, politics it is

read the thread title you babbling idiot. its not about gun control you dolt, its about the ssri's and big pharma you support
One-point anecdotal "evidence" for this worrying social phenomenon! Oh noes!

The sad part is, the rest of your argument is just as free of fact as this one small example. Take your irrational sock-buttocks back to Politics.

thats not very becoming of you. but hey, thanks for playing along.
we need to start with ground zero, I did this for you. sorry I didnt use crayons to further clarify this for you.
the story starts with one shooter at a time. The fact you didnt wait for the rest of their gun history is all telling.
cry, deny, and lie, you've got it all my man!

no sock here sorry, keep trying though, your Nancy Drew skills are showing
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thats not very becoming of you. but hey, thanks for playing along.
I am under no obligation to meet your whim of what is or is not becoming. The first step in any reasoned argument is to marshal the facts. Thus I inquired into yours.
we need to start with ground zero, I did this for you. sorry I didnt use crayons to further clarify this for you.
No, you didn't. You began with a massive unattributed C&P job and cherry-picked it. You didn't take the hint when Annie located the source and quoted the bits you'd conveniently left out. You didn't and don't develop a rational argument. Instead you mount an emotional response that you are trying to say is an argument. You cheer those who agree and insult those who don't.
the story starts with one shooter at a time. The fact you didnt wait for the rest of their gun history is all telling.
What rest of the gun history? You claim single-incident anecdote. You don't provide a source for the info; that is a hard requirement you're ignoring.(Every freshman learns that anecdote does not constitute evidence.) There are two billion people in the developed world whose kids might be taking an SSRI or two. One incident in such a pool, over x years ... does not signal a pattern to me. You need background facts and stats on "gun collections" "allowed" "by parents" (prerequisite: define all quote-marked terms beyond ambiguity) in order to mount that argument and make it possible for an interested outsider to test the proposition. In technical terms, an argument must be falsifiable.
cry, deny, and lie, you've got it all my man!

no sock here sorry, keep trying though, your Nancy Drew skills are showing

More emotioneering. Leave Toke&Talk until you're ready to win and lose real arguments like an adult. Not this low-grade trollery; we get enough of that already from all the other sock trolls.
No offense, but this dude Matt Landman seems like a true nutcase. He seems to be into most conspiracy theories (GMOs, false flags, vaccines), even going so far as to support flat earth. Jesus. In looking into him briefly, he does not seem well educated or well informed. I would be wary of him as a source for knowledge...

I did a quick search but I didn't see him tied to any of those things, just a lot of acclaim for his geoengineering documentary "Frankenskies". Where did you find it? I'd be curious to hear what he has to say about GMOs.
I did a quick search but I didn't see him tied to any of those things, just a lot of acclaim for his geoengineering documentary "Frankenskies". Where did you find it? I'd be curious to hear what he has to say about GMOs.

Hey Clayton. Sorry I didn't get back to you last night, we went out drinking after rehearsal and I passed out when I got home. I'll try to get to it when I get home tonight, It's in the 60s and sunny so I'm going out busking on this rare February day. You can check out his website at for all manner of conspiracy theory, and that will also point you to his FB page. Have fun ;)
Hey Clayton. Sorry I didn't get back to you last night, we went out drinking after rehearsal and I passed out when I got home. I'll try to get to it when I get home tonight, It's in the 60s and sunny so I'm going out busking on this rare February day. You can check out his website at for all manner of conspiracy theory, and that will also point you to his FB page. Have fun ;)

Thanks. I searched his name at the site and the only things that came up were his Frankenskies video and a fascinating page about vaccines with a 1:53 video of him stating what is actually in vaccines and that they should be a choice; nothing too controversial there to me. You should watch the two minute video, interesting what's in vaccines, including formaldahyde, mercury, pig blood..

But the rest of the site???

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Thanks. I searched his name at the site and the only things that came up were his Frankenskies video and a fascinating page about vaccines with a 1:53 video of him stating what is actually in vaccines and that they should be a choice; nothing too controversial there to me. You should watch the two minute video, interesting what's in vaccines, including formaldahyde, mercury, pig blood..

But the rest of the site???

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I used to be a big conspiracy theorist until about a decade ago when I started to study logic, logical fallacies, and critical thinking. I've researched all the major conspiracy theories from both sides for hundreds of hours. None of them stood up to the test. As far as Landman is concerned, he is a smart businessman and I'm sure he's pulling in some nice $ riding his popular conspiracy train. He's smart enough not to list himself, or any other member, on the actual site because so many know he's a nut. Instead, we look at the major project they are pushing, the documentary Frankenskies, and the site's contact info, [email protected]. Then we go to the actualactivists FB page and there we find the only staff member listed, Matt Landman - The truth is easy to find via critical thinking and logic. Powerful tools...
Clearly I lack those.

Since you have them I will just trust everything you say, even though you didn;t really link me to anything you said, like you demand from everyone else.

You DO know aliens are real though, right?
Clearly I lack those.

Since you have them I will just trust everything you say, even though you didn;t really link me to anything you said, like you demand from everyone else.

You DO know aliens are real though, right?

Sorry I haven't been able to be as thorough as I'd like, I've been short on time lately. Most of what I stated was opinion and speculation, not really positive statements of fact to link to. For those, I believe I did provide links. I will try to thoroughly follow up later tonight, thanks for your patience...
Thanks. I know you are a critical thinker, but I just want to make sure you know that there are "conspiracy theories" that turn out to be true. Usually too late to do anything about them, right? There are dozens, but I will post these five from a Business Insider article (if it's good enough for the fact king UB). Have fun tonight, I know how exciting it is to hit the 60's after Winter.

I abbreviated it a lot. Plenty of citation in the article

5 US national security-related conspiracy theories that turned out to be true

"Take off your tin-foil hats for a second, because sometimes an insane-sounding conspiracy theory actually turns out to be true."

1. The US Navy fired on North Vietnamese torpedo boats that weren't even there.
On the night of Aug. 4, 1965, the USS Maddox engaged against hostile North Vietnamese torpedo boats following an unprovoked attack. The only problem: there were no torpedo boats. Or an attack.

The Maddox fired at nothing, but the incident was used as a justification to further escalate the conflict in Vietnam.

2. The FBI infiltrated, surveilled, and tried to discredit American political groups it deemed "subversive."
When it wasn't investigating crimes, the Federal Bureau of Investigation under Director J. Edgar Hoover kept busy trying to suppress the spread of communism in the Unites States. Under a secret program called COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program), the FBI harassed numerous political groups and turned many of its members completely paranoid.

It wasn't only communist or left-leaning organizations. The FBI's list of targets included the Civil Rights movement, and public enemy number one was Dr. Martin Luther King. Agents bugged his hotel rooms, followed him, tried to break up his marriage, and at one point even sent him an anonymous letter trying to get him to commit suicide.

3. US military leaders had a plan to kill innocent people and blame it all on Cuba.
Sitting just 90 miles from the Florida coast and considered a serious threat during Cold War, communist Cuba under its leader Fidel Castro was a problem for the United States. The US tried to oust Castro during the Bay of Pigs invasion of 1961, but the operation failed. So the generals went back to the drawing board and came up with an unbelievable plan called Operation Northwoods.

From ABC News:

The plans had the written approval of all of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and were presented to President Kennedy's defense secretary, Robert McNamara, in March 1962. But they apparently were rejected by the civilian leadership and have gone undisclosed for nearly 40 years.

4. The CIA recruited top American journalists to spread propaganda in the media and gather intelligence.
Started in the 1950s amid the backdrop of the Cold War, the Central Intelligence Agency approached leading American journalists in an attempt to influence public opinion and gather intelligence. The program, called Operation Mockingbird, went on for nearly three decades.

5. The CIA conducted "mind control" experiments on unwitting US and Canadian citizens, some of which were lethal.
Perhaps one of the most shocking conspiracy theories that turned out to be true was a CIA program called MKUltra, which had the stated goal of developing biological and chemical weapons capability during the Cold War, according to Gizmodo. But it ballooned into a larger program that encompassed research (via Today I Found Out):

  • which will promote the intoxicating affect of alcohol;
  • which will render the induction of hypnosis easier or otherwise enhance its usefulness;
  • which will enhance the ability of individuals to withstand privation, torture and coercion during interrogation and so called "brain-washing;"
  • which will produce amnesia for events preceding and during their use;
  • [which will produce] shock and confusion over extended periods of time and capable of surreptitious use; and
  • which will produce physical disablement such as paralysis of the legs, acute anemia, etc.
During the program, the CIA established front companies to work with more than 80 institutions, such as hospitals, prisons, and universities. With these partnerships in place, the agency then ran experiments on subjects using drugs, hypnosis, and verbal and physical abuse. At least two American deaths can be attributed to this program, according to the Church Committee.

Though the Church Committee uncovered much of this shocking program, many of the top secret files were ordered destroyed in 1973 by CIA Director Richard Helms.

Pesticide exposure: the hormonal function of the female reproductive system disrupted?

SUNNYVALE, Calif., July 13 1991— The California Supreme Court refused tonight to grant a restraining order that would have prevented the state from spraying the pesticide malathion over a densely populated area of Santa Clara County that is infested with the Mediterranean fruit fly.

Got to love out of balance Hormones and our lust for profits.

Now Papy, you I love you Boo.... That just sounds like tinfoil shit right there. I mean, how in the world would they just spray it over the entire county? Are they going to use crop dusters? I mean, if you get too high it won;t be effective, the poison will just blow away is what the geoengineering/cloud seeding/chemtrail deniers argue.

Surely you don;t believe our govt, at any level, would fuck it's own sheople?
I mean, next you're going to tell me the FDA allows food manufacturers to put sugar in everything, even milk. They are the govt and would NEVER do anything to hurt us.
In 2004, NASA scientist Patrick Minnis wrote that “increased cirrus coverage, attributable to air traffic, could account for nearly all of the warming observed over the United States for nearly 20 years starting in 1975.”