Hey guys! So yesterday marked the
3rd week I've been taking care of my first ever girl. (Got her as a clone & today is
day 22 since she's been mine)
She's started seriously stretching out, basically
doubled in foliage since the day I potted her.
That meant it was inevitably time to transplant her to a larger home. Decided to throw in some perlite to make sure this new pot drained well & the roots were able to breathe.
Also, received my
free sample of
Veg+Bloom from HR, & so far she seems to love it. No nute burn or anything. Lets hope it stays that way.
NPK ratio is
15-10-27. It'd be amazing if they really did create one solid nute for both Veg & Flower.
Gonna throw up some pics so you can all see, & I was just curious...
***When do you think I should switch this one from Veg to Flower??*** (Again this is my first plant ever,
so any advice no matter how elementary will be super helpful)
....ps I accidentally damaged a few of the roots during the transplant process.
Maybe 10% of them. I hear this particular strain (
Titan's Haze) is rather hardy for noobs like me... Do you think she'll be okay and just repair whatever root damage it suffered, or should I go the extra mile to make sure the roots are assisted in recovery with something like
Liquid Karma, etc....???
Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!
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