St0ned's 1st Grow!


Well-Known Member
there looking good im doing similar but im growing 1 or 2 at a time with a single 100 wat CFL 6500k and for flowering 2 120 watt 3000k CFL's with a y splitter. im gonna grow small and flower early, i dont ahve alot of tall grow room so im gonna LST then flower cause it can double in size sometimes


Well-Known Member
That is great man! Out of my 7 main plants I ended up with only 2 fem's. This grow. Last grow too, I had two females come to think about it....hmmmm


Well-Known Member
yeah, thx guys for the feedback. i just got back from a trip and all is well! im seeing lady parts everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
CFL grow looks great I would like to see a discussion by people who use CFL's for the whole grow.I just started my first indoor grow.Hindu Kush seeds from Nirvana,fast delivery,germinated overnight,one full day under CFL's and they are through the soil.I'm gonna do the whole grow under CFL's. I'm nervous about all the heat that the big lights throw .I work 16 hour days and I don't want to come home to a pile of ashes where my house used to be.


Active Member
With CFL's, the majority of light come from the sides of the bulb not the bottom (so I've read). I'm using a similiar set up and thought i'd suggest that you change the angle and reflectors. Have the bulbs horizontal instead. From your pics above it seems that alot of light is being reflected back into the bulb or lost to the empty space.
What do ya think?


Active Member
I remember now where I read this. (too stone today) Go to the Growfaqs, there is an article on CFL's. Its decent.

Hope that might help.


Well-Known Member
yeah, im completely aware of some wasted light. im still trying to come up with a way to have my 250watt CFL sideways instead of straight upright. its kinda heavy so it wont be able to hang sideways. and i'll probably have to make my own reflector for it too.


Well-Known Member
yeah, im completely aware of some wasted light. im still trying to come up with a way to have my 250watt CFL sideways instead of straight upright. its kinda heavy so it wont be able to hang sideways. and i'll probably have to make my own reflector for it too.
Them bigger cfl's are perfectly weighted around the ballast.
I have mine suspended with a cable tie looped through one of the slots just passed the bulb.Then its just tied straight above where it hangs.
Make a reflector:hump:


Well-Known Member
lookin awesome man. im using all cfl's on my grow. ive been wanting to get one of those bigger bulbs. where u get urs? how much? check out my journal and tell me what u think. im about 5 weeks into flowering so are grows are pretty close together. keep me updated man lookin great.


Well-Known Member
lookin lovely yeah i can tell ur right behind me just wait the next couple weeks are the best seein all those crystals form. keep up the good work man im gonna go try to get some updated pics up myself.


Active Member
Thats the sexyiest thing ive seen in my life. I wish my first grow went that way. AND you got Triplets!!