Stainless steel wool in a pipe bowl


A Bic lighter burns around 3500 deg F. Now the air flow made by hitting a bong or pipe will increase that a bit.
Being that the heat is not concentrated like a welder. The metals do not "melt". But, the grade of stainless is important as it will off gas chromium, nickle and other metal gas's. Keep in mind that chromium is a strong cause of organ cancers!

Any type of steel wool that's not stainless and high grade stainless at that......Should never be used as a "screen" for a pipe.
I would avoid any and all metal "wools" of any type!

Copper should be avoided as it off gas's bad! nasty shit and that's why you don't see copper pipes anywhere!

In order to produce a gas from a substance, the substance must be heated to its boiling point. Chromium boils and turns into a gas at 4841 degrees F. Nickle boils and turns to gas at 5275 F. In your example citing the data you present of a Bic flame generating a spot temperature of 3500 F, it is still one thousand degrees too cold to produce the gasses that you claim. Even poor quality control in the creation of the alloy from a manufacturer abroad would not impact this.

You are engaged in fear mongering.
Aluminum foil doesn't melt when crackheads smoke their shit on it but they end up with lots of Al in their lungs so is Al an exception to the rule or does the rule need more research?

I have no clue whether toking oil as you describe with SS wool is harmful or not but it doesn't sound like a great thing to do just in case.

I like to cook my pot up in coconut oil and eat it. I gotta save what lungs I got left for my coffin nails. :)

Hi, guys, i am looking for some solid coil, since my former purchases were always not that good, could you guys tell me which brand is better?
Aluminum foil doesn't melt when crackheads smoke their shit on it but they end up with lots of Al in their lungs so is Al an exception to the rule or does the rule need more research?

I have no clue whether toking oil as you describe with SS wool is harmful or not but it doesn't sound like a great thing to do just in case.

I like to cook my pot up in coconut oil and eat it. I gotta save what lungs I got left for my coffin nails. :)

The rules regarding a phase change of any substance from solid, to liquid, to gas form are not subject to interpretation.You can research further the concept of the three forms that matter can achieve however trying to discover a substance like aluminum that does not follow the rules will be in vain.

You quote another myth about aluminum, citing crack heads. I am certain from your post that you are not a crackhead.

Do you know where the myth that smoking out of aluminum will hurt you came came from? It started when it was reported that the plaque found in tthe brains of Alzheimer patients contained high levels of aluminum. Even among scientific peers the conclusion that excessive aluminum was even present is hotly debated but even if it was true, then you would have to reveal a way for the aluminum to enter the body. If you heated the aluminum up past its boiling point then it would need to remain at that temperature until it was inside you body.

Do you have any idea what kind of burns whould happen to you if you inhaled any gas at all that was at the temperature needed to keep aluminum gaseous? Lolz, you would indeed have a major healh problem on your hand, but not to worry my friend because unless you have a machine designed to weld aluminum then it just aint gonna happen.

As a kid a popular and harsh way to smoke in a pinch was to dent a beer can and put holes in the dent. Voila! A pipe at a kegger! It is possible to melt aluminum this way and wear out your beer can pipe, but even oxidation which is not necessarily boiling the substance would only produce at worse aluminum oxide. I use aluminum oxide in a wide range of techniques to purify extract because it is a well known chromatographic stationary phase. I do not worry if any alumina gets into the extract because it is non toxic to humans and it too needs thousands of degrees to become vapor.

I suggest you stick with using cannabis the way you are most comfortable, but I reject arguments made based on irrational and unsubstantiated fear generally focused around an unseen gas or unseen/unfelt and unknowable fatal risk. If smoking out of metal killed you then a WHOLE lot of people would be dead right now. Put simply, these are myths.
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In order to produce a gas from a substance, the substance must be heated to its boiling point. Chromium boils and turns into a gas at 4841 degrees F. Nickle boils and turns to gas at 5275 F. In your example citing the data you present of a Bic flame generating a spot temperature of 3500 F, it is still one thousand degrees too cold to produce the gasses that you claim. Even poor quality control in the creation of the alloy from a manufacturer abroad would not impact this.

You are engaged in fear mongering.

I'm not a Republican.

I still choose to avoid all metals.
Crack heads cook the brillo before use. You put flame to it and a black smoke come of you cook it till it stops smoking. If you dont cook it it taste like metal. I prefer to use a meth pipe for dabs actually
Crack heads cook the brillo before use. You put flame to it and a black smoke come of you cook it till it stops smoking. If you dont cook it it taste like metal. I prefer to use a meth pipe for dabs actually

I definately cook off the residuals before using it. Tossing SS onto a hot burner and making it glow does the trick. I order my SS from a company in Oregon through Amazon. It is very clean but it is metal. This means that it was created on metal forming machines. ALL machines that cut metal, even fine brillo pad metal must do so with coolants and lubricants of some sort. The coolants used to cut metal in the machine tool manufacturer that I have known are generally benign to humans. The most notable health risk to humans from these lubricants and coolants has to do with the fact that there are micro organisms (biomass) that thrive on these things. So the coolants become contaminated with micro organisms. This is why coolant will stink the first thing in the morning - anerobic biomass breeds in the coolant when the machine is shut down overnight. With the machine shut down and the coolant no longer flowing the coolant becomes oxygen poor. Perfect conditions for anerobic bacteria which produce stink. They also can trigger dermatitus when they contact the skin on a chronic basis.

The oils otherwise are pretty safe around humans. Picture a typical welding shop - metals of all sorts are routinely heated to molten and beyond and routinely with the individuals face very close to the process (behind a welding mask with generally zero fresh air ventilation). If the oils were intrinsically toxic they could not be used in the production process.

I made a killer great vaporizer entirely out of stainless steel. This puppy can fill an entire room with a thick vapor cloud in a minute or two lolz. When I cooked the pipe and SS wool in an oven at 550F for a while there was indeed some residual oils that burned away from the pipe but to be fair I did not wash the pipe in solvent first. I also once vaped off some SS wool that had been used to clean my pancake pan. I immediately tasted the veg oil used and frankly it vaped pretty well. Yum! Gave me the screaming munchies!

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I definately cook off the residuals before using it. Tossing SS onto a hot burner and making it glow does the trick. I order my SS from a company in Oregon through Amazon. It is very clean but it is metal. This means that it was created on metal forming machines. ALL machines that cut metal, even fine brillo pad metal must do so with coolants and lubricants of some sort. The coolants used to cut metal in the machine tool manufacturer that I have known are generally benign to humans. The most notable health risk to humans from these lubricants and coolants has to do with the fact that there are micro organisms (biomass) that thrive on these things. So the coolants become contaminated with micro organisms. This is why coolant will stink the first thing in the morning - anerobic biomass breeds in the coolant when the machine is shut down overnight. With the machine shut down and the coolant no longer flowing the coolant becomes oxygen poor. Perfect conditions for anerobic bacteria which produce stink. They also can trigger dermatitus when they contact the skin on a chronic basis.

The oils otherwise are pretty safe around humans. Picture a typical welding shop - metals of all sorts are routinely heated to molten and beyond and routinely with the individuals face very close to the process (behind a welding mask with generally zero fresh air ventilation). If the oils were intrinsically toxic they could not be used in the production process.

I made a killer great vaporizer entirely out of stainless steel. This puppy can fill an entire room with a thick vapor cloud in a minute or two lolz. When I cooked the pipe and SS wool in an oven at 550F for a while there was indeed some residual oils that burned away from the pipe but to be fair I did not wash the pipe in solvent first. I also once vaped off some SS wool that had been used to clean my pancake pan. I immediately tasted the veg oil used and frankly it vaped pretty well. Yum! Gave me the screaming munchies!

Yeah i made the machine from a helix tonado attachment and brillo for vaping dmt
I'm not a Republican.

I still choose to avoid all metals.

Good choice to avoid the republican party. I put a LOT of distance between myself and republicans, and even more distance between myself and democrats. I only associate with independent people and THEN only if they refuse to talk politics...

I hope for you a full and productive life while you avoid the use of metal to accomplish your daily goals. It is a noble ideal to dispense with the luxuries of modern human arts based on morality or beliefs that require only faith to support, however cooking over an open flame or smoking a joint rolled in paper has its own unique benefits too, right?

Be at peace brother knowing that you have warned others about the dangers of metal. You have done all you can do to save mankind.
Good choice to avoid the republican party. I put a LOT of distance between myself and republicans, and even more distance between myself and democrats. I only associate with independent people and THEN only if they refuse to talk politics...

I hope for you a full and productive life while you avoid the use of metal to accomplish your daily goals. It is a noble ideal to dispense with the luxuries of modern human arts based on morality or beliefs that require only faith to support, however cooking over an open flame or smoking a joint rolled in paper has its own unique benefits too, right?

Be at peace brother knowing that you have warned others about the dangers of metal. You have done all you can do to save mankind.

LOL, I like your style!

Generally, I smoke joints. I just threw in my .02 cents.....Some old wheat back, hippie penny cents - ;) ;)

I got a lecture from a young lady once, about how joints are wasteful and inefficient. How I should use a bong or a vape. We were at an old commercial op. I looked around and waved at the plants, in a sweeping open hand gesture and said. "I grow, therefor, I can!"

She shut up and smoked....
Doesn't the black suggest oxides, why I asked earlier regarding combustion temps.

The good oxides (intentional) are formed at much lower temperature than the boiling temperature of the metal they are trying to grow the oxide layers on top of.
LOL, I like your style!

Generally, I smoke joints. I just threw in my .02 cents.....Some old wheat back, hippie penny cents - ;) ;)

I got a lecture from a young lady once, about how joints are wasteful and inefficient. How I should use a bong or a vape. We were at an old commercial op. I looked around and waved at the plants, in a sweeping open hand gesture and said. "I grow, therefor, I can!"

She shut up and smoked....

I toss my roaches into the fireplace FTW