stakes vs yo yos?

Yo yo's all the way. If you don't have to move your plants in and out of your tent they are perfect, just hang zip ties loosely on your ceiling bars and hang your yo yo on them and you can move them around on your bar if you need to move plants and buds to get in there and work
I soak used yoyo's in ISO to clean them and remove the sticky resin. Then dry them and store them in Ziplocks until I need more clean ones. I have over 100 now, and just keep rotating. But I take my time about it. I've still got some soaking, and some in bags that are dirty and waiting for me to get to.
It's situation dependent. Yoyos you must be able to attach high enough on a cola or it will "self super crop" under the weight sometimes still. Yoyos can be tough depending on your light and tent size as well, you need room to hang and stretch them out. Large, square LED fixtures can make that tough.

Someone mentioned moving plants. Anything from seed, unknown to be stable, doesn't get trellised/yo-yo'd/etc. It stays mobile in case it herms.
It's situation dependent. Yoyos you must be able to attach high enough on a cola or it will "self super crop" under the weight sometimes still. Yoyos can be tough depending on your light and tent size as well, you need room to hang and stretch them out. Large, square LED fixtures can make that tough.

Someone mentioned moving plants. Anything from seed, unknown to be stable, doesn't get trellised/yo-yo'd/etc. It stays mobile in case it herms.
I can see lights getting in the way, although they don't need to be aligned perfectly vertical to work. You just have to pull from the opposite direction that the plant is naturally leaning. I've never had the self super crop problem, but I could see that happening if you were yoyoing them early on.
I can see lights getting in the way, although they don't need to be aligned perfectly vertical to work. You just have to pull from the opposite direction that the plant is naturally leaning. I've never had the self super crop problem, but I could see that happening if you were yoyoing them early on.

The only time the plants being too heavy and falling, bending the stem was a real problem was when the yoyos were placed significantly low on the branch, as I'm sure they're not intended. Guesstimate, more than 10 inches from the top?
I have used these for a couple of years now
I can't find them in the U.S. for some reason.
They work perfect on the orange driveway stakes.