stand alone soil recipes

Im looking for an organic bare minimum soil recipe to use as a stand alone mix for an outdoor grow that will require little to no ferting. I am limited on supplies, what I have is recycled/composed soil for a base (about 4-6 bags worth), 01.-0.1-0.1 bag of compost, 1 LB mexican bat guano, 1 LB indonisian bat quano, 1 LB seabird guano and 1 LB peruvian quano. I also have a LB of kelp meal and a few cubic feet of peat moss. I also plan on adding some subculture to the mix and some micro myan for bacteria.
I guess what im looking for here is some knowledge on how I should mix this up and weather or not It would be sufficent enough to get me threw an outdoor season without having to add much of anything besides water. Does anyone know of a simalar recipe or have some advice on this topic??
What up Micky!

This mix below works really well. At flower time, top dress with Indonesian guano and let the rain do the rest.

3 parts Canadian sphagnum peat mix, coco coir or Pro-Mix
1 part large chunky perlite
1 part worm castings
1/2 cup greensand
1/2 cup of dolomite lime
1/3 cup of Peruvian seabird guano
1/4 cup Epsom salts

Zeba Quench is also a good additive in case it doesn't rain for a few weeks.
Seems like alot of Guano be careful not too burn your plants. Don't forget maybe throw in some bonemeal. I really like Azomite which can be found on Amazon for less than $5. and how about some EWC and it wouldn't hurt to throw in organic materials like rich earth fulvic/humic acid and rock phosphate.
Hey ,thanks for the replies fella's , I wasnt planning on adding all of the guano just wondering how much of it I should add. Thanks for the recipe vapekush I think i will incorperate most of that as well, and it gives me an idiea of how much guano I should be adding.