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^^^like^^^martin wins control of the gun, shoots himself, and says to zimm as he bleeds out "let's see you deal with the fallout of this one" and then collapses dead.
Reason: funny
^^^like^^^martin wins control of the gun, shoots himself, and says to zimm as he bleeds out "let's see you deal with the fallout of this one" and then collapses dead.
A+ for absurd comedy.martin is walking home, kicking cute puppies and flashing gang signs at scared old ladies. zimmerman is driving to target, whistling a merry tune, when he sees martin.
"hello there young man, anything i can help you with?" zimmerman merrily asks.
martin lunges at zimm. zimm tries to drive away but martin is too strong and overpowers the truck, disabling it with one swing of his ghetto fist. zimm cowers in terror. martin grabs him and pulls him out of the truck and starts smashing him into the concrete for an hour as zimmerman begs for mercy.
zimmerman fakes dead, butmartin is not done yet.
"i'm gonna rape your little virgin butthole, cracker spick" utters martin, reaching for zimmerman's pants.
martin tries to disrobe zimm, and notices the gun. zimmerman springs back to life and says "please don't make me use this gun, i don't want to".
a look of rage and murder crosses martin's eyes. he starts wailing on him again, and a struggle for the gun ensues. zimmerman screams like a little child for help.
martin wins control of the gun, shoots himself, and says to zimm as he bleeds out "let's see you deal with the fallout of this one" and then collapses dead.
zimm starts crying in despair "i only ever wanted to help!".
that's how it happened according to desert dude.
That "line" seems to move a lot, or maybe there's two of them. It's OK for Buck to insult me, but it's "poor taste" for an observer to reply back? You have a double standard there.Now was that really necessary? You know Obama is actually friends with Republicans? Hes probably done lines with Monopoly Man Mittens off a Columbian prostitutes gash together. Why people need to attack others here and be proper nasty? It's politics, there's no such things as "real" enemies in it, so chill the fuck people, it's ok it insult others in politics but there's a line where it can cross into "poor taste".
What about hundreds of millions growing hundreds of millions of plants in hundreds of millions of closets? Ymmm.raisch v gonzalez (or whatever the case was) was retarded. i don't think you can compare healthcare for hundreds of millions of people to growing plants in a closet though. nice try.
Yeah, we know, I think you said all day and still didn't get in or something. But you would have seen a real Doctor, not a unlicensed student. But it wasn't 6 months.wild exaggerations are wildly exaggerated. guess how long i had to wait to see a doctor for a muscle spasm that locked me up solid with my private insurance? just guess.
it doesn't take a doctor to prescribe a muscle relaxer.Yeah, we know, I think you said all day and still didn't get in or something. But you would have seen a real Doctor, not a unlicensed student. But it wasn't 6 months.
hundreds of millions of closets?What about hundreds of millions growing hundreds of millions of plants in hundreds of millions of closets? Ymmm.
I've never had to wait more than a day or two to see a doctor. And if urgent, I could always get in right away. Is all of California that way?yeah they can be extremely painful and actually do serious damage if not properly relieved, you should not have to wait more than a few hours
my wife had to wait over a month to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy and she has the premo private insurance.I've never had to wait more than a day or two to see a doctor. And if urgent, I could always get in right away. Is all of California that way?
I think it does require a Doctor (or in some states, a licensed proscribing nurse) to proscribe them. Painkillers for your back would require a doesn't take a rocket scientist or neurosurgeon to prescribe antibiotics for an animal bite.![]()
*prescribeI think it does require a Doctor (or in some states, a licensed proscribing nurse) to proscribe them. Painkillers for your back would require a Doctor.
There had been numerous burglaries and a home invasion committed in the neighborhood by young black males wearing hoodies in recent weeks according to police reports. It is entirely reasonable for Zimmerman to have concern when seeing an unfamiliar face whose attire also matched the description of the criminal(s). That's not racism, it's commonsense. Zimmerman/s great grandfather was black. Your label of racist is incorrect.Zimmerman's own story offers no reasonable explanation of why the "suspect" was a suspect at all, except he "didnt belong there" Saying im using hotbutton racial issues doesnt change the fact that zimmerman shot a black dude, and the only apparent reason for his suspicion, following, stalking, and eventual killing of said black man was the dude's blackitude. Zimmerman wasnt tracking the white kids at that store, or the asian kids or the cuban kids, he was stalking his chosen suspect, who was BLACK, and that blackness is the only reason i see for his actions. Zimmermans own story asserts that there were numerous burglaries in the area, and the perps were black, this does not equate to all blacks are engaged in burglaries. I can only conclude he followed Martin based on racial prejudice. Stalking definately WAS in play. as a hunter i know what stalking is, and it's following your target with predatory intent. He doesnt have to make a Trayvon Death Shrine, or burn the eyes out of Trayvon pictures, or write creepy psychosexual messages on the wall of his bathroom in his own blood. He followed Martin, in a car, on foot, and down a dark alley. Stalking. plain and simple. Maybe Zimmerman smelled weed on the dude does that mean zimmerman can start shooting potheads too? maybe i should start carrying my pistols again. seems lately i been smellin like cannabis a lot, and i might have to self-defense my way out of a sticky situation if thats the new rules around here.
the old "i have a black friend" excuse. just awesome.Zimmerman/s great grandfather was black. Your label of racist is incorrect.
Your assuming that's the reason he was shot, before it was racism. Pick a story and stick with it.Do none of the supposed Libertarians on here support Martins right to walk around "looking like he's on drugs"? Im sure most of the smokers here can appreciate having a toot and going for a walk, would you like to be followed, confronted and shot down for walking around?
*you'reYour assuming that's the reason he was shot, before it was racism. Pick a story and stick with it.
It does in Florida, I'm pretty sure it's a federal law that only doctors can prescribe doesn't take a doctor to prescribe a muscle relaxer.![]()
circling back to this one again? that's awesome information for those that live in florida. does not apply to me though.It does in Florida, I'm pretty sure it's a federal law that only doctors can prescribe narcotics.
Think of the possibilities! Why you argumentative, you don't like pot farmers now?hundreds of millions of closets? so, just about every single american is growing in their closet now?![]()
just calling out your wild exaggerations.Think of the possibilities! Why you argumentative, you don't like pot farmers now?
I didn't realize California was so far behind the rest of the nation in healthcare. I've never had wait times like that, living in several wife had to wait over a month to get an endoscopy/colonoscopy and she has the premo private insurance. you don't have to wait that long for the same procedure in nations with socialized medicine.