Stanley Blower


Okay, so I've rigged up my stanley blower to suck air out of the tent via 4" dryer ducting. The air is being pulled through a homeade carbon filter. I realize that I bought the wrong damn size, and can't afford to buy the 6". Originally I positively pressured my tent, and that kept everything nice and cool. It's currently going into the 85-86 range occasionally. Now I would like some innovative ways of putting that stanley blower back inside the tent, where I originally had it for exhaust. The problem being that where I had to shove it before was that it would take away from my ability to move my HID lights in the center of the tent how I like them. I'm hanging it in a GYO1005A tent which has nothing to help me mount it to the top but how I had it, I lose like 18 inch's of headspace as well. I would love to give you pictures but atm I'm out of the house and this is all I can think about.

a partial list of possibilties.

1.) lose the 18" on my 6.5' tent hooking it how I had it. Also annoying myself that my HID lights can't go all the way up.
2.) Put it off to the side, and use 4" ducting to route it to the exhaust.
3.) Lay it sideways, and duct tape the fucker in place.

There is the possibility that my humidor hyrgometer is a piece of shit, and is giving me false readings. I can comfortably sit in the tent with my beauties, and not worry about being hot.

A description of the anchoring available to me in the tent.

Two parallel bars that can be slid across the 3x3 space for adjustment. Currently my 400w MH has one yo yo hanger attached to each.
A possible solution would be to put the HID on one bar, and then somehow configure the blower on the other?

Any images of stanleys being set up in a 3x3 space would help.


Well-Known Member
hopefully I'm understanding this correctly, when you used the Stanley, did you have it OUTSIDE your tent originally? I know your tent, two 4" holes top left, one bottom left? how bout cutting a board to fit the top of your tent(for support) and cut a hole to match up with the hole in your tent, rest your fan outside and on top of the tent, hook up the intake side to the elbow'd 4" hole. exhaust running through a 4" vent to carbon filter. this should keep your fan AND carbon filter outside of your tent, im just picturing the stanely blower sitting on its side laying on top of the tent pulling air right through the 4" hole its sitting on top of


Currently it is outside the tent using 4inch ducting, and before it was inside the tent. I've had it in three configurations. The first time I just rigged it to blow through the bottom left ducting, and that shot air straight onto the plants then pushing air out of any hole in the top. The problem with this method despite very nice temperatures, is the problem of odor once flowering comes around. The second time, I duct taped it to the light supports in the tent, like you would if you were zip tying it, except duct tape. Then it shot air out the top back snorkle, while efficient, I grew annoyed with the fact that my lights wouldn't go to the top if ever I had a plant tall enough to make me place my reflector at the top of the tent, to keep it 18" above the canopy. The current method uses a 4 inch duct, that is duct taped to the stanley. Since the carbon filter I made I require some form of ducting for it to work, be it in the little snorkles provided in the tent or in the ventilation ducting I bought.
The reason your idea won't work, is the ceiling clearance where my tent is at is just 2-3" too small for my stanley to go ontop of the tent. It occured to me that this was probably my best bet, since I could easily vent all the hot air out. But perhaps some sideways configuration would work. Not sure how I would mount that though.


Another thing that also occured to me was that I should just take the filter out of the ducting, and make it so all the air blown out of the blower just goes through the carbon filter. This would allow it to pull more CFM through the ducting, and solve the problem. However I'm not sure of the odor filtering this would guarentee, since it would be more or less makeshift rigged. If I have one complaint about this tent, it would be about the lack of mounting options it provides you in the tents. I don't even see how anyone hooks up an inline fan in this thing lol.


Well-Known Member
Assuming you cant just scrap the filter as suggested above, you said id requires ducting- could you possibly have the filter resting inside the tent, with a duct on its output to a hole in the tent, with the fan on the other side, pulling air out through the filter?

Not entirely sure what your space contraints are


I ended up putting it right back in the tent again, it's a bit awkward this time, but clearly out of the way of the lights. Temps dropped by 10 degrees in seconds.

Edit: Okay, I'm at the 60s mark now, ambient is about 57 degrees in my house.


Well-Known Member
those Stanley blowers move a shit ton of air, for very cheap, im assuming you bought it for $25-50? No way you will ever find a inline that moves as much as a little Stanley blower for that price.....the downside...they are awkward as hell to work into you grow area.

As for what you said...."I don't even see how anyone hooks up an inline fan in this thing lol. "

I got a gyo 2x4 and took some figuring out but i got a carbon filter and 115 cfm inline inside of 2x4....key is to take the vent sleeves and pull then outside your tent. like reversing them inside out (saves space) ill post a pic of it here soon. My complaints about these tents are that the 2 top vents are in a horrible place, the one on the back wall is fine, but the elbow one sucks. Also get the dual sided sticky velcro for the vents to close them off if you ever need to, u can also put it along the "T" flaps that cover the zippers to make it more light tight, as these things do come with leaks.

Also, as I said before, I've heard of people cutting a 1/2" piece of plywood to fit the inside top. so in your case a 3x3 piece, this way you could mount anything to it if you need to. Although I would put rubber around the board corners or sand it well to make sure it doesn't rip my tent.


The stanley for 50$ was a great bargain, getting it any lower would be akin to robbery haha. Mines a lot more ghetto rigged than yours lamb, but it is doing its job well! A bit too well at times.... +rep for effort, experience, and pictures. The tents for the price are also pretty great. The only problem with stanleys is they don't suck nearly as well as they blow. They do have a double vented centrifugal fan for a reason. Did you mod the actual fan itself with the three holes?


Well-Known Member
I have a stanley blower, I used to use it...I haven't in quite awhile. The fan that you see in that tent is just a ttf 115cfm inline fan. I was just pointing out how its kinda crammed, and not much to hang stuff on with the gyo's, I find spare wire, zip ties, and twist ties are your best friends with these tents in order to hang things where you want them. I have a 4x4 tent for flower I haven't even hooked up yet, 1000w hps, 400 cfm fan and 6" carbon filter....haven't even began to figure out where I will hang them. I wish they gave you a third cross bar for the top it would come in handy.