Star Wars The Force Awakens *SPOILERS*

Han Solo and Kylo little bitch Ren didn't die. Harrison ford, Mark Hamill and Adam driver have a 3 movie contract deal
Nah, Han Solo is dead.
They are going to be making many more movies. I've heard one a year. Rumors are going around that some of disneys new star wars movies are going to be a Han Solo series. Maybe he will be an older Han Solo in those movies? He dead though
Nah, Han Solo is dead.
They are going to be making many more movies. I've heard one a year. Rumors are going around that some of disneys new star wars movies are going to be a Han Solo series. Maybe he will be an older Han Solo in those movies? He dead though

There's side Story movies. Rogue 1 comes out next year. That's the story between episode 3 and 4. Then the following year is episode 8. Then the following year is rogue squadron

All the movie info is on imdb

Harrison Ford, Adam Driver, Mark Hammil have contracts to be in episode 7,8,9. Mark Hammil also has a clause that If he keeps certain things a secret he gets a bonus for each one.
I think your taking one to many opiates , by the way how is your spinal pain doing give me a bit here i see if i kind find the Doctor that prescribed them to you :)
You let me know LOL and yes I posted quite a bit about my use of opiates and if you could use a search engine you would see my last one was 4/30/2013, ha ha google is your friend.
I loved the shit out of this movie!!!!

I actually took my parents, and held the hand of my cute 71 year old mother the whole time.

It reminded me of seeing the originals in the 80's.

Hmm....I got some sexy Star wars pictures kicking around here somewhere....I think I would just need to find some tasteful black boxes...
I have never watched it or any star wars movie for that fact.... they suck....I have never watched it. So my answer is bias
It's ok...sniff....sniff...I um....I don't really care if you like them...sniff....I'm sorry I just cant....


Ok I'm going through the stages of grief now. We are allowed to like different things. Whew, I'm over that.

They are amazing.

The originals, and this last one.

Skip the others unless you want to hate a character and wonder how one of the coolest bad guys in the history of film (Vader) could have been an angsty fucking teen betch in the 2nd and 3rd (of the newer ones).

I will take my Vader without twilight vampire semen please...

Oh, and THESE are fucking funny:

851c03b6497cecb0112a495ee47722a8.jpg url.jpg 2b7cd66fcaf94ebd8b9947e53a653cb41aaa3cb7ca7687a01fd1b62c5321148d.jpg 7b842da0edf522b93ffe9c80e4b3a778.jpg f0540895a293398e9cf7eebb2daa14c3d8a09ac6d44126be17e8b2802f9cc01f.jpg funny-Darth-Vader-kids-Death-Star.jpg da4e1b8ae5d115fea1c7b863984ae95e1c3dd35167ef686caed4cda68159afc7.jpg 22ab6b8c4c3c8acace7ef8e98b231223d69858a61ef1fa29c25b7283d1ad3c95.jpg
That last one made my laugh out loud.
Internets. There's SO MANY! I just googled:

"vader little bitch funny" and then all those came up. I was trying to find something comparing Haden's portrayal of Vader similar to the twilight characters.

I didn't see anything. Am I the only one?

Oh - I really like how much you like Star Wars. I fucking love them. I'm sure I'm nowhere near as die hard as you, or some other people I know. But it's still neat.
Pretty good Fin was cool and the way they end it like its leading up to some heavy shit Han Solo R.I.P And Luke Skywalker glad they found you
For the record, I saw Tarantino's 8th, and I liked it far more than this version of Star Wars.
But I am a Spaghetti/Fagioli Western connoisseur, so that makes me very biased. Some people I know became so repulsed by the language, they walked out by the time the stage coach arrived at Minnie's (silly fools, that's when the movie really began). :mrgreen:
For the record, I saw Tarantino's 8th, and I liked it far more than this version of Star Wars.
But I am a Spaghetti/Fagioli Western connoisseur, so that makes me very biased. Some people I know became so repulsed by the language, they walked out by the time the stage coach arrived at Minnie's (silly fools, that's when the movie really began). :mrgreen:
The Hateful 8 was amazing, I really really enjoyed it. Sure, there wasn't much action during the first 75% of the movie but that doesn't bother me. The conversations and the whole mysterious aura was really gripping. And as always with Tarantino we find out everything at the very end. Most of the time I was sitting in front of the TV with a big WHAT THE FUCK expression smacked all over my face.
The Hateful 8 was amazing, I really really enjoyed it. Sure, there wasn't much action during the first 75% of the movie but that doesn't bother me. The conversations and the whole mysterious aura was really gripping. And as always with Tarantino we find out everything at the very end. Most of the time I was sitting in front of the TV with a big WHAT THE FUCK expression smacked all over my face.
I have not seen that movie.

The 8.

I should I guess. I like westerns.

I have not seen that movie.

The 8.

I should I guess. I like westerns.

He did a good job with it. He even has some of the cliches like loud eating sounds ;) But it's definitely not one to watch with mom :lol:
It is somewhere between Sergio Leone's masterworks (like Once Upon a Time in the West) and Sam Peckinpah's ultra-violence (Wild Bunch).

I liked it because it was straight down when it came to violence and plot. No sad/cliche moments of reuniting etc. (I won't say which scene but it was funny as hell).
I liked it because it was straight down when it came to violence and plot. No sad/cliche moments of reuniting etc. (I won't say which scene but it was funny as hell).
Say goodbye to your huevos? :lol:

I was laughing left and right when it all started going down, not because of the violence but the craziness of it all. That was when the Peckinpah really took over for the Leone.