start of 8th week flowering / strain auto purple cheese


Active Member
sorry i started this so late but i heard people saying they dont have enough info on auto purple cheese strain ..well , heres a little info with pics....i started this one lady on 20 cycle once it germed...soil medium (miracle grow)....311 actual cfl watts ...3 gallon pot from the time she popped up... i started feeding super bloom nutes during the 5th week (when she started to flower)...shes suppose to be a 60 to 90 day of now im leaning more towards 80 or 90 days from me the stalk smells like a musty fruity grandaddy purplish smell...but no signs of purple buds yet...the fan leaves have all turned a dark violet purple on the stems and the fan leaf veins also shes.. 2 feet 7 inches tall (SOUNDS LIKE IM DESCRIBING A FEMALE MIDGET KINDA)LMAO!!....during my dark cycle i started sitting my 3 gallon inside of a 7 gallon container with ice cubes since i get ice bags!!! in hopes that it will bring out more vibrant purple for bag appeal...sooooo as of now thats what im waiting on ...TO SEE HOW LONG IT TAKES TO LOOK PURPLE LIKE THE PICTURE THAT TEMPTED ME TO TRY THIS STRAIN ...ill keep you guys posted though...oh i forgot think the bottom yellowing leaves are normal IMG_20121203_095821.jpgIMG_20121203_095811.jpgIMG_20121203_095759.jpg