Start of week 4 flowering random Discoloration/crisping?!???


Active Member
So jus went in to look at my girls before I flip the lights out tonight and I notice this odd looking deficiency!???? Will get a pic in 2 seconds.......


Well-Known Member
dont take healthy leaves off your plant! the deficancy is causing your plant to take nutrients from that leaf, which is why its discolored, it now has to take from other leaves because that one is gone.
I had spots like this on one of my white widows, it turned out it was a phosphorus deficancy caused by ph lockout


Active Member
dont take healthy leaves off your plant! the deficancy is causing your plant to take nutrients from that leaf, which is why its discolored, it now has to take from other leaves because that one is gone.
I had spots like this on one of my white widows, it turned out it was a phosphorus deficancy caused by ph lockout
:O im thinking it might be a Ph lockout because ive never checked my ph on water....... Just gave them first feeding of big bloom & tiger bloom about a week ago. The water was super brownish/green. But that was because of the nutes.... did I fuck up??? the plant itself still looks really healthly. By the way this is on only 1 of 4 of plants.


Well-Known Member
makes sense for it to be a ph issue if you havent been checking it then, are you growing soil or hydro?
Losing one leaf wont kill your plant, but its likely the problem will spread a bit more now. Get your ph under control and you will be fine im sure


Active Member
makes sense for it to be a ph issue if you havent been checking it then, are you growing soil or hydro?
Losing one leaf wont kill your plant, but its likely the problem will spread a bit more now. Get your ph under control and you will be fine im sure
Ty for your help, so is it really safe though to be adding vinegar or baking soda to my water....? What type of tester do you use?


Ty for your help, so is it really safe though to be adding vinegar or baking soda to my water....? What type of tester do you use?
get an electronic meter, they are like 20 or 30 bucks, and they are worth it. no i would not add those, its better to invest in something that will give you really good results. general hydroponics has a pH up and pH down kit, works great, but be careful. it can mess up if you add a lot. if it is in a pot or outdoors, some dolomite lime will bring the pH up, but again, you have to moderate the amount used. good luck man.


Active Member
get an electronic meter, they are like 20 or 30 bucks, and they are worth it. no i would not add those, its better to invest in something that will give you really good results. general hydroponics has a pH up and pH down kit, works great, but be careful. it can mess up if you add a lot. if it is in a pot or outdoors, some dolomite lime will bring the pH up, but again, you have to moderate the amount used. good luck man.
that's what I was thinking.... I didn't wanna start tossing in baking soda into my water.... this kit..?


dude...ok. do not start adding all types of crazy household BULLSHIT and expecting good results, simply goto walmart, walgreens, tractor supply co, agway or ''ace tru value hardware'' type store. go to the basic soil or agriculture section of your store,buy some simple NPK nutrient mixes, pre pckged miracle gro will work fine if you tkae care and dilute well. dude and simple NPK nutrient mix will work pretty much fine, otehr than that all you need is a few micro nutes which u need such a low concentration, dont let all the hype here or anywhere tell u what u cant use to grow marijuana, simple nutrients are easy to come by..sry im high and rambling and have offically lost mytrain of thouht. one to many pipes tonight fellas, and ladies. gnight lol hopefully i can elaboratebetter tmororw sorryfor any confusion i most defintly caused lol


Well-Known Member
i use one of those cheap liquid ph test kits and a bottle of ph down, cost less then 15$ all together at the hyrdo shop i go to.


Active Member
That could be pH-- but also looks like a Calcium deficiency OR rootbound.....

Without all the info on plant size, pot size, nutes used on what schedule & rate, pH etc.. could be a lot of things...

And do not use household items to adjust pH-- get a bottle of the right stuff- it is cheap and available online or at any greenhouse or hydro supply store.


Active Member
Ok so should I just flush them to get out of lock out...? cant really find much on getting OUT of ph lock out. im about to order that kit and a 40X loupe with light (because im going to need1 anyways) but ive been reading a lot (uncle bens stuff) and others and there saying when growing Soil that the Ph of the water doesn't really matter because "of the soil is a Buffer and it will just become of the ph of the soil and cause more problems" ????


Well-Known Member
Hey GB I'm actually having a very similar looking problem. I'm running AN Connoisseur and am thinking I may have been adding too much Cal/Mag, causing a lockout.


Well-Known Member
I flushed mine with plain tap water (ph 7.2) and that corrected my ph problem. the buffer sometimes refered to in soil is that the microbes living in it will eventually change the ph level of the soil abck to where you need it, however when you add chemical fertilizers it can kill off large amounts of these microbes, so for them to correct the ph on there own requires significant time, and aint nobody got time for that!