Started a R.I. MMP group


Active Member
I started a group for us for now Im gonna take in only the people I know are Patients/caregivers from this site for a while. I will take in others at said point. I might take it as far as meeting you in real life to show me your card. But Ill most likely come up with a more efficent easier idea. Im leaning towards real possible club in real life, focusing on a growers club idea. This is something I think we can benefit from then we wont have the randomn people popping in. Im sorry ahead of time if I dont approve you right away , mainly its because I wont to have a real group not some joke online thing. Send me a message if intrested take seriosly.
Def interested in at least talking and seeing where things go. Although to be fair to the whole "cause" I only have done one complete grow (although I got about 1.25 ounces dried from 3 plants.
We are looking for people growing or intrested in doing so. Only requirment is have a patient/caregiver card and have no issue with meeting me to show each other our cards.
Tamorin send me a pvt msg if you can RE: all I said I only have 1 grow under my belt BUT I also have 13 plants and will only continue to get better. I only have a patient card but if I have patients lined up I'd upgrade to a caregiver card as well.
Thats cool man u fit the criteria. Um im slammed this weekend. I just bought a fixer upper and i have to be moved in by end of month. But i am willing to make the time for new recruits. If i sent u my number give me a buzz even just to touch base. If u are uncomfortable with that imagine how i geel giving it out, oh u could block it ill answer thinking its my mom. The oppertunity we have before is worthy of my time. Ill send ya a message
Hey just letting potential people know that the mmp group i started is on the move. This will be my only advertisement concerning. If u are intrested or know someone who would benefit from a legal growers group please let me know. We are a very diverse group so dont allow your judgement based on me. We grow plain and simple legally, are willing to help, and are willing to learn. I hope if u stumble upon the tread 2 years from now u still send me a message. Cheers drink Guinness.
Hey everyone got the free time to meet a bunch of yas on saturday, like to bang out a bunch of yas,so if your intrested remessage me otherwise u have my number give me a buzz. Will be busy till about 130 pm.