Started Mothers


Active Member
I have started some mothers from seed and clones, and they are getting some size to them +1' and i am wondering how big i should let them get before taking a cutting from the top?(topping it) Does it matter? Any advice on growing and keeping mothers and keeping them productive. I have found a lot of information on how to clone but not so much on how to grow mothers to maximize your potental for clones.


Well-Known Member
well it all bepends on the grow space, mine can be 7 feet tall so I could have a 5 to 6 foot tall mom plant for clones


Active Member
Was just wondering the same thing myself. Any experts out there or are there any existing threads ?


Well-Known Member
Here's it plain and simple, depending if you want to take alot of clones or small amounts of clones at once, if you want to take lots try to get your mother plants as tall as you can for max clone sites and if your gonna be taking some here and there you don't need a tall mom


Active Member
Ok thanks for the great info. I now have a few more questions. When i take cuttings where are the best sites for taking clones? Or just take cuttings from anywhere possible? Will little piece of shit stems at the bottom work or is new vigorous growth with big fan leaves better. I know i need to leave at least node or growth site inorder for new growth but should i leave more for more growth? If anyone can link a very detailed cloning thread or instructions would be cool. Thanks.:joint: