Started my 1st grow. Need some advice please.


I had my 3 germinated seeds in some multi purpose compost in a heated propagator, 1 didn't break surface at all, 1 just about did break surface and then flopped and died idk why, and the last one began growing and got its first 2 leaves and thats all it done for 3 days no other leaves came out, but the stem just kept growing very thin and long and it had started to bend. So I decided to get some pots and a new soil, I got miracle grow potting soil and perlite, mixed it all up and transferred the seedling into a pot and I bought 4 Daylight CFLs 20w=100w. Since it has been under the lights it has really flourished, its become greener, straighten itself out and everyday grows a new set of leaves, it has been under the daylight bulbs since Thursday evening.

I have posted pics below, can anyone please let me know what they think of my baby, does it look like its doing well and also is the humidity and temp thats showing alright?

I would also like to know if it does look like a genuine marijuana plant because I dont know if the place I got the seeds from could be trusted.



Well-Known Member
youve been had, someone has given you basil seeds...

i would be pissed. but yeah it is pot, i joke. doesnt look bad. keep it happy and it will keep you happy later. your temps humidity are ok only other thing to worry about right now is PH. you should check your water ph, you can get a pool tester kit cheap, they work well enough.
The reason the stem grew out so long is because you either didn't have enough light, or the light wasn't close enough to the plant. You also need a fan blowing on the plants at all times to help grow a thicker stem.

And Miracle Grow isn't the best soil to use, but plants will still grow fine in it. You should use a Foxfarm organic mix.


Thanx 4 giving me a heart attack lol, when I read the first sentence I froze, I thought NOOOOOOOOOO after all these few days of stressing. The water I am using is not tap water, on the bottle it says PH is 7.4, is that ok?


Well-Known Member
7.4 is too high man. it needs to be 6-6.5 in soil. less in hydro. water is one of the cornerstones of your grow, as is its ph. if you keep on with water that high your going to run into problems. copper/zing deficiencies, maybe iron, boron and phosphorus too. it just wont be able to absorb the nutrients at that high ph. nothing wrong with using tap water, as long as you let it sit out a day or 2 and adjust the ph if needed. and adjust it properly.. i screwed up and dropped my ph too low earlier in my grow. caused me lots of problems and cost me time and wt.


thanx 4 the advise, if I need to adjust the ph of my tap water how do I go about doing it? But the ph of the bottled water is 7.4 per litre is that still a lot because I won't be using a litre of water a day.


Well-Known Member
the amount of water you use isnt really a factor. 7.4 is just too high. you need to get a ph tester, a pool test kit works fine. as for how to adjust it you can buy PH+ PH- solutions at any hydro store, maybe even gardening stores. other than that you can use vinegar to lower ph. or baking soda to raise it. your tap water may be fine, if its 6-6.5 i wouldnt adjust it at all.


Thanks a lot for all your advice so far Erysichthon, you have been a real help. Also about the fan someone said to leave it on all the time is that true or should i have it on for a few hours only.


Well-Known Member
its really up to you on the fan, some people only run it when lights are on, some run them all the time. i personally run my fans all the time, the circulation fan and the exhaust. but i have 11 plants packed into my 6x6 grow room and they need the air circulation for sure. with just a few plants you can stop it off with lights out. or leave it on, either works.