started my first plant


I germinated, then planted and watered, but forgot about my little critical kush for a couple of days. Well the soil was hard as rock figured it bit the dust. I watered the soil until it was so soggy it would fall aprt with the touch, waited a few hours and with a tooth pick probed aroundand i gazed at my little wonder ther it was ALIVE. it's now about an inch and half tall after two days. Waiting on my C99 to sprout, might have to forget about it for a couple of days.... Got Lucky


Well-Known Member
plant looks good n healthy! what kind of light are you going to use? the 1 23w cfl (6500k or not) will work for a coupe weeks, but you will need 6+ of those lights to get any good results harvest wise. i got 3/4 - 1 oz off of one LSTd plant running 3 23w cfl, 2 13w cfl and a 15w led panel. 110w total. it is doable, jus makse sure you have good reflective walls and no dark spots. cfl lights work best at no less than about 2-4" from your plant and if you dont reflect that, you are wasting lumens like mand!!


Well this is what i"m using soil is what I had which is a blend I made, half regular potting mix and half miracle-gro garden mix. I put this mixture into two buckets to use as the plants regular growing media, I didn't relize at first how fast the water would evaporate so fast. I do now. Now for lights I wasn't using any but the sunlight through the windows,I've since bought a ipower 400 watt grow light, I have installed the 400w MH bulb and have it about 3 feet above the plant on 50% power. I see if my system works, I've heard alot of negatives about miracle-gro so I decided to cut it and see the results, so far, so good. Hey I'm a Newbie got to try something new, LOL.


12.30.2012 001.jpg12.30.2012 004.jpg12.30.2012 005.jpgCritical Kush doing well leaves getting broad. Oh picture of their light room. Need to start thinking of feed you know p-n-p amounts soon.


Well-Known Member
When you repot, bury that stem a bit, starting to stretch a little, also fan on them to help strenghten the stem, later on ventilation will be needed.


Well-Known Member
Nice job man, you are doing much better then my first grow. :) If they get tall, that means they are stretching for the light so lower the light a bit or make it stronger, but don't forget to put a fan there - you don't want to burn the little ones. You should start a journal and post the link here so we can subscribe and watch the progress. Good luck!


little ones_009growing-up.jpglittle ones_008growing-up.jpglittle ones_011growing-up.jpgTransplant time on left critcal kush and on right C99. Planted them about half stem down,because they where betting really tall. I lowered light two feet above plants at 100% power and have fan blowing across plants. I keep check about every hour to watch for changes, so if I got to raise light or turn power down befor going to bed. Have on timer from 6am-10pm.


Well-Known Member
Looking Good M8

You will be amazed at how fast things happen from here. Just hold off on nutes till they get about 4-5 nodes of growth and they will have some teeth to eat the nutes with :eyesmoke:

Peace and Great Grows



Well-Known Member
Looking Good M8

You will be amazed at how fast things happen from here. Just hold off on nutes till they get about 4-5 nodes of growth and they will have some teeth to eat the nutes with :eyesmoke:

Peace and Great Grows

i wouldnt give them any nutes till they start showing deficiencies. my opinion, soil shoul have lots of nitrogen in it already.

also i see a HID in the picture why arent you using that for light, it will cut down on the stretch, and like someone else said a fan is a great adition to a grow room, helps circulate air and makes the Co2 more available.


critcal2.jpgC99.4.jpgthe critcal kush first picture is doing very good after transplant the same with C99. plants are little bigger then they look. both starting second layer of leaves or branches what do you call nobes? they're doing great. using hid 400 watt grow bulb from 6 am to 10 pm full power ( 100%) about 2 feet above plants with fan on then temp about 80 degrees and humidy staying around 25%.