Starting a cannabis t-shirt company. Need help picking best design!



My partner and I wanted to create a t shirt supporting locally grown cannabis, and need help picking the best design.Once we pick the best design we are going to start screen printing them and selling online.

We are going to donate 4.20% to cannabis related causes, and want to eventually create a shirt for each state, but are starting with California.

The shirts are being designed via 99 designs, which has been a great experience so far, so each design is from a different person.

Takes 3-4 minutes and if you fill out your email you could get a free first edition shirt! We are going to give away 20-30 free shirts once we pick a design!

Some screenshots are below:


Very cool... Love the California ones... Enjoy Local has my pick. Think I'll buy a Cali one if I don't win a free one.
There all pretty sweet but I'd have to say my favorite is ......drum roll...loljk third pair down right hand side There all cool though and that's awesome your donating to the cause good for you
You need to make a T-shirt that not recognizeable to the public, but the true smoker would easily know what it is a represent. I only saying because I have friends with corporate job and can't wear any T-shirt with the MJ emblem, but theu would love to support the movement low key. Just saying. Good luck bro.
are you taking submissions?

and #89 would be so much better with the small font in some sort of cursive, or #56
You need to make a T-shirt that not recognizeable to the public, but the true smoker would easily know what it is a represent. I only saying because I have friends with corporate job and can't wear any T-shirt with the MJ emblem, but theu would love to support the movement low key. Just saying. Good luck bro.
I agree inside stoner shirts would be legit like a got dirt? or munchn organic idk just some thoughts