Starting A Dispensary -Colorado

Your exactly what we DON'T need or want. Your attitude is why the State is trying to regulate MMJ.
Cha Ching my a$$ this is medicine.


Why bother with all the red tape...I have opened 13 dispensaries in Denver. I have never been visited by any officials from the city. Its just more money out of your pocket and more red flags attatched to your name. Just go for it...Cha Ching
My name is Dustin. I have 6 years growing experience. I can clone hash and edibles! I'm looking to relocate and start my own gro op. Let me know if your interested.
I made over 15 calls to other dispensaries and they were all running an illegal operation. In other words none of them were licensed or carried the proper permits. As well they were rude and foulded mouth.

Of course they were. You were calling saying "Hey i'm one of the many people who wants to cut into the profits and take away your chances of success and possibly cause you to lose your ass if i'm successful, can you help me screw you over?"
I'd like to help you out. I am a cardholder, and I have started several small businesses in Denver, including one that focuses on permitting for developments, new businesses, etc. I know the zoning department, fire department, building departments well. I also own an art gallery with my wife. I have been thinking about setting up a dispensary myself but would like to do it with someone as my growing skills are probably not up to what they would need to be.... BUT, I can run a business and have been navigating bureaucratic minefields for 10+ years.

Also, to the guy starting an aurora nightclub, we should talk. I can probably help you out too. Let me know.

i could really use your help,I am trying to set up shop in the basement of a headshop in denver,I have a huge space to grow but i am in the dark when it comes to starting a dispensary.Growing would not be on site,edibles would be through 3rd party vendors and all of the existing business' permits should be valid.Any advise would be great and thank you in advance.
I'd like to help you out. I am a cardholder, and I have started several small businesses in Denver, including one that focuses on permitting for developments, new businesses, etc. I know the zoning department, fire department, building departments well. I also own an art gallery with my wife. I have been thinking about setting up a dispensary myself but would like to do it with someone as my growing skills are probably not up to what they would need to be.... BUT, I can run a business and have been navigating bureaucratic minefields for 10+ years.

Also, to the guy starting an aurora nightclub, we should talk. I can probably help you out too. Let me know.
Hy Mark my name is Alfonso and i wont to start medical marijuana farm in coloardo but dont know wher to start, i'm geting a grant for this if you can help me call me at 208-572-6023.
Check with your state department of health, get your business license with your city, see if you can do it in an unincorporated area. Incorporate exactly as amendment 20 asks you to structure.
Find a 420 friendly landlord.
I know a guy that owns a dispensary, but not in Colorado. He has a few businesses and said the dispensary was the hardest to get going. He's told me some crazy stories. Honestly if I were you I wouldn't officially open without first talking to both an attorney and a business consultant that specialize in medical marijuana.

Here's a list from 420 Magazine of lawyers in Colorado --> Colorado State Marijuana Lawyers Listings

Here's a link to the marijuana consulting company my friend eventually used --> MMJConulsting.CO
Several great videos from Attorneys on this topic:
(heres one from Attorney Jeff Gard in Colorado- but just go to the site for more)


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