Starting a new growth, need tips


Greetings, been luring around here a bit, I have made 3 test growths with just 2-3 plants (killed the first two test runs, 1 due to over watering, 1 due to insect spray that was aproved for plants, but killed the plants within 3 days.... yeah... damnit)

It has been under a 150W dual spec CFL (150 real W). it was done without an reflector so the plants are far from as impressiv as some I have seen people grow here, however I will recive an reflector next week, and will start my first "real" growth, I will be getting 10 top 44 and 5 big bud seeds (femenized). is it very optimistic to hope to grow maybe 10 plants under that CFL? just a poor student so don't have money for the big HPS stuff yet. my two plants that I got atm are so and so, and recived very little of the full light, so I'm kinda hoping I can pull this off with a good reflector :)
Greetings, been luring around here a bit, I have made 3 test growths with just 2-3 plants (killed the first two test runs, 1 due to over watering, 1 due to insect spray that was aproved for plants, but killed the plants within 3 days.... yeah... damnit)

It has been under a 150W dual spec CFL (150 real W). it was done without an reflector so the plants are far from as impressiv as some I have seen people grow here, however I will recive an reflector next week, and will start my first "real" growth, I will be getting 10 top 44 and 5 big bud seeds (femenized). is it very optimistic to hope to grow maybe 10 plants under that CFL? just a poor student so don't have money for the big HPS stuff yet. my two plants that I got atm are so and so, and recived very little of the full light, so I'm kinda hoping I can pull this off with a good reflector :)
150w CFL for 10 plants? Definitely not going to happen without a longgg ass veg/flower time, major stretching, or tinyyy buds, assuming the plants will even live at all. You'd probably need a minimum 600w HPS for 10 'decent' plants at one time. I say one or two is the max you could grow with one single CFL, no matter how big it is. My best advice: Y-shaped splitters for bulb sockets, like 2$ a piece, and then 5 packs of 23w CFLs for like 6$. I like the splitters so you only need a minimal amount of fixtures. Helps save some $$$.


Active Member
Hi guys ! Please help me and tell me if more small cfl's are as effective as 1 big cfl ! Exemple : 5 x 25w cfl are as effective as 1x 125w cfl
I'm asking this because i want to save some money...


Active Member
with the single low W bulbs on the cfl's you can spread out more so you can surround the plant with 5-6 bulbs or just have 1 big cfl at the top. cfl's light does not go as far as a hps or mh so you have to keep them close, the farther the plant is from the bulb the less amount of light it will be getting eh say the bottom of ur plant vs the top of ur plant. top will have light but the bottom will be very weak. hope this helps. u can get a 150 w hps for around 80-90 dollars. just a fyi.


Thanks for the input :) I will harvest my 2 plants next week if they are ready there, and then try and see if I can't get 4 happy plants with my 150w clf and a good reflector, if not then I guess I have to look into a HPS 400W ballast, the buds on my plants are about.. hm.. an inch each, so they look pretty happy even though they have been grown with no reflector, they have taken about 20% longer to matur compared to what they should, but thats most likely thanks to the little light, but as far as they seem happy (yet slow) then I'm fine with that :) for now... :P