Starting another grow... Easyryder...


I grew EasyRyder when it kind of first hit the scene big like 2 1/2 years ago. I now see more than one breeder claiming this strain. When I grew mine it was from the breeder The Joint Doctor. I couldn't believe the results. I got way more of a yeild than I thought on a shit set-up. Their avaerage height was a surprising 2 to 2 1/2 feet straight up bushes. They will bust out be patient. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
Just got a mental overload because of all the chunky bud in this thread.
So jealous haha.


Well-Known Member
Who would think you could get Colombian, Mexican, Ahghani and Thai sativa's (65%) into a smaller more manageable plant? When you look up AK-47 your gonna see the "one hit wonder" and a lot of sales pitch....believe me, it's in Easy Ryder too. I just didn't know this and did 2 hits the first time....sheeeesh.


Well-Known Member
So what did it yield jela?
Hi 808k, I finally got around to weighing my Easy Ryder buds, and it was right at 3oz for the single plant. I just got over the shock of another strain where a jar molded on me. We are getting a lot of early monsoon activity here and the humidity is up so my timing was off and I must have rushed it into jars. So I waited till these were a lot dryer than normal. Also a lot of bottom buds went to the "kief" bin for dry ice extraction later so they didn't get weighed or I would have 4oz. easilly. One thing about these tops is they are hairy so they end up "airy" (must be a sativa thing). Even the denser buds when wet are are light now. It's quite a tight fit getting 1oz into a jar as a matter of fact, but looks and potency are impressive to say the least. I noticed today that the smell is getting a lot better and more pungent...

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
I dropped in here today to check out some auto's for this winter grow, very nice stuff. That bud looks mean jela. Glad to some Hawaii guys with the same idea, good luck 808.


Well-Known Member
Day 20


Easy ryder looking healthy. Its finally growing a bit more but still along ways to go. Started feeding 1/8 strength nutes.


Well-Known Member
I dropped in here today to check out some auto's for this winter grow, very nice stuff. That bud looks mean jela. Glad to some Hawaii guys with the same idea, good luck 808.
Thanks dyna ryda! Good to see more hawaii growers on this site...


Well-Known Member
Day 23


Easyryder looking great and pistils are shooting up all over. This girl is looking to be a small one. Ive already started feeding 1/8 strength nutes. Temps have been great at about 80 degrees. RH is at 50%. So far so good. Hoping this girl will hit a growth spurt soon.


Active Member
Don't worry they shoot up like crazy I just hit week 6 and there at least just under triple the height they were when I started noticing preflowers the buds are a little small but I suppose they focuse on filling the buds around week 7-10


Well-Known Member
Hi 808, in case you need to know, my Easy Ryder wasn't nute sensitive at all....she took everything I threw at it which was Canna Coco A&B per their grow guide....I couldn't do that with the La Diva auto without noticeable signs of brown leaf tips and "clawing". I would think you could comfortably step up from 1/8 strength if you want too. I know where you are though, it pays to be conservative in the beginning and it's the sign of a seasoned grower to do such.


Well-Known Member
Hi 808, in case you need to know, my Easy Ryder wasn't nute sensitive at all....she took everything I threw at it which was Canna Coco A&B per their grow guide....I couldn't do that with the La Diva auto without noticeable signs of brown leaf tips and "clawing". I would think you could comfortably step up from 1/8 strength if you want too. I know where you are though, it pays to be conservative in the beginning and it's the sign of a seasoned grower to do such.
Good to know jela. I was taking it slow but im going to be bumping it up a notch this week.


Well-Known Member
Day 26


Easyryder doing well. Its getting a little bigger but still alot smaller than i thought. Overall a very healthy plant...


Well-Known Member
Day 31


Easyryder growing a bit more as its entering its flowering phase. Got some preflower popping up here and there. Cant wait for it to shoot up like crazy. Over all real healthy. Bumped up to 1/4 nutes last feeding. Looking good so far.


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