Starting Another PC Grow Journal


Active Member
Can someone tell me if my net is too closed up? i have a little feeling that it might have tooo small of squares..


Active Member
I did a SCRoG yonks ago, and yeh, I'd say you're gonna have problems with one that small... The way I ran it, I didn't want the screen to stop the plant, I wanted it to grow through it, so i could then weave it back under. She also seems to be showing quite a bit of stretch at the moment, which I guess isn't a prob if you wanna scrog... But IMHO it does look like your lights have got a fair bit of distance from the screen considering they're CFLs. If it were me, I'd wanna move the scrog and plant up a bit. At the moment I'm putting my girl under 3cfls, and she's not more than 1-2inches away from the bulb, and showing no signs of stretching or burning.

I'm no expert tho, so please someone correct me... Just tryina give a bit of input.

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Active Member
I did a SCRoG yonks ago, and yeh, I'd say you're gonna have problems with one that small... The way I ran it, I didn't want the screen to stop the plant, I wanted it to grow through it, so i could then weave it back under. She also seems to be showing quite a bit of stretch at the moment, which I guess isn't a prob if you wanna scrog... But IMHO it does look like your lights have got a fair bit of distance from the screen considering they're CFLs. If it were me, I'd wanna move the scrog and plant up a bit. At the moment I'm putting my girl under 3cfls, and she's not more than 1-2inches away from the bulb, and showing no signs of stretching or burning.

I'm no expert tho, so please someone correct me... Just tryina give a bit of input.

Sub'd to thread.
Thanks, any input is useful. i planned on having the plant growing through as well. i thought of it sort of like when a tree grows against a chain-linked fence and the fence ends up inside the tree. i can fit my middle finger through the squares, but thats about it. and i was having some burning from having her that close. so i figured that stretch is better than burn.