Starting CFL's - Amazed by what you guys did.....


Well-Known Member
brought myself

2x Nlite Purple - 216 Francs !

Got another 200 to spend on myself now :D

They will be coming on the 27.01.2008 ! so i will be flowering with 3 lites.... 1 Red 2 Purple ( viollete )

Cant wait cuz on this page it says this....

50% 50% Seedling 100% Cutting 50% 50% Early Veg 50% 50% Late Veg 100% Early Flower 30% 70% Late Flower 30% 70% Early Fruit 50% 50% Late Fruit 100% Early Seed 100%

I have Red so that means the Late fruit will be finish'd off by the purple's

I think i might just grow once again with the purple from start to finish... that in about 3 months from now.. I will also be using HPS lamps again then



Well-Known Member
hey i want to turn on my lights on at 7 now...

usually they go on at 8.20 ... 1 hour 20 mins diff... will this hurt my plant ?

Thnx guys...


Well-Known Member
Here's an update...

I just finish'd snipping plating / cloning \ And yeah made some pics for you guys ^^

4 Little pots to try and clone..... Lets see if it works without any of that super root stuff....

What u can see there is a blue-mystic pot... for my friend.... Told him he could have it ^^

Just Random pic ....

SO CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Here are my clones....

Hope u enjoy'd looking at these... Peace


Well-Known Member
first, you need to pull them up, and recut them. remove the bottom growth (lowest nodes in the pix) and recut about 1/2 inch below the nodes.

then dip in rooting agent.

then plant in WET dirt, wet the dirt first, poke a hole in it with a pencil, stick the clone, and press the soil around it.

place in shade, if you don't have a cfl or flouro, and if you do, keep your flouro's no closer than 12 inches. i keep mine about 2 feet away.


Well-Known Member
I have 2 floros ^^

I know i said i didnt have any, but, does this mean i would have to have the floros on 12/12 aswell so that they maintain in the flowering period ? <--- obvious


Well-Known Member
Clones are looking great... Kill'd 2 of em, look'd like they wanted to be put out of the misury, and my other plant has shown more hairs today i'm counting bout 12 hairs, yesterday there were about 5.

Great stuff ^^

Day 37 - Day 5 Flowering - Night Time now... Day 6 at 7:00 pm today ^^

Nope that isnt my cfl, its just a cfl bulb so i could make better photos ^^

dont ask me how many watt, cuz its only 12w.

Here's some more Hairs ...

^^ Can u see it ^^ I CAN :D

mmmmmmhmmmmmm ^^

Just a quick pic from the top ^^ Or top sideways ^^

:joint::joint::joint::joint: Peace out guys & girls :joint::joint::joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
cool i should hav measured mine before i lst`ed them,oh yea the small one didnt bother to lst,but cant check it now the lights are off, the big one is about the same as yours i think, i`ll let you knw later
