Starting Early Inside... What will it do?


Well-Known Member
Hey folks -
I've been reading everything I can get my eyes on regrading outdoor growing and have come to the conclusion that starting plants inside early and moving them outside after danger of frost will not make them flower and finish early - is that correct or not? I'm guessing so due to the fact the plant reacts to the photoperiod rather than time to induce flowering.
So is it worth it to start a plant indoors for say 8 or 12 weeks before moving it outdoors... am assuming it will increase size of the plant and maybe yield a bit?? I have the space inside to veg them for however long and then plant them right out back but live in MN and growing season is 4 months at best. Oh, and we're talking maybe 6 plants give or take and I've taken caution in selecting strains that are supposed to finish up on the early side anyway.
I know there are ways to force flowering - I've been doing my homework... just wondering if I can expect the plants to start flowering any sooner if they get a decent jump on the season indoors?

I'm 100% new to this so thanks in advance for any help and responses.



Well-Known Member
It helps alot to be started early.
Just be sure to match the daylight hrs to light hrs in your cab or it will flower when put out.
If the cab is 18/6 then put em out when the light hrs outdoor are about 18/6.

The only way to Finnish em faster is cut the light hrs (to bring em indoor at night)
Or use autos for a few early plants.
starting inside makes great big plants. I had a blue widow and mazar get over 14 feet and give me 3.5 pounds each dry. I live in ohio so our day cycles are about the same. As for matching the light cycles no way. When during the year is there 18 hours of light. Put them out may 1st. If a late frost hits them it wont kill them just make them stronger. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys... I am planning on setting them out about May 15th to June 1st depending on how our spring shakes out. We'll be at 15 hours of daylight on the 15th of May and 15.5 on June 1.... so shouldn't be too much hassle to get the light cycle dialed in.
I have some seeds on the way that are short to medium flower time so if I can get well into September with decent weather I'm hoping to have it licked!
Can't wait to start growing - will be my first and I can already tell it will become an addiction.