Starting Early Need Help


Active Member
I want to started early this year. Have limited space inside what would i need to started early inside around mid march and put outside aroundfirst of may. 12 plants can i veg all 12 under 150w hps without alot of strectching for about 6 weeks


Well-Known Member
Um i grow 12/12 from seed under a 150w 12 plants man and i average 1-2oz per plant so yes you could but all depending on your growing style they will need to be LST'd and kept short also i would advice getting some clamp work lights and throwing 6500K cfls on the side of the 150 cuz they will out grow the light footprint but i vegged a single for 3 months under my 150. Its all in how you use the light my man just got to stuff them in the footprint and you'll be fine.


Well-Known Member
Anything more then 12/12;-) 18/6, 20/4, 24/0 its up to you. I run 24 but some like less i haven't see anything wrong with 24/0 tho thats what i veg.