starting first CFL grow thoughts?


hello every one im new to the forum but long time (watcher) name is mike and im really happy to be making my first post.

i have been researching non stop for a year now and growing here and their for my first trial and error stages, now i finally think i have decided on the tent please tell me what you think of it not have not seen anyone use this but i do not see why it would not work
1. so the tent
2. line of mylar inside
3. fox farm soil
4. six 4x4 pots
5. six 100 watts cfls hanging from a bathroom light fixture mag
7. fox farm nutrients
8. 4 computer fans with a intake and exhaust
9. home made carbon filter
can not wait to post pics on friday might be tomorrow night thanks for all the time im sure ill get flamed but happens to us newbs lol.


ok to like what? i thought if my lumens were high enough i would have been ok but what watts were u thinking


Well-Known Member
If you do use the smaller 26 true watt clf's, use a bunch of them.. 50-100watts per square foot is good , "true watts" but as long as you keep the cfl's close you should still get a decent yield.. Just remember the more lumens the bigger the buds! For an 8 square foot tent you need quite a bit of light for flowering, veg you wont need as much.. How many lumens do you have between all you cfl's?


If you do use the smaller 26 true watt clf's, use a bunch of them.. 50-100watts per square foot is good , "true watts" but as long as you keep the cfl's close you should still get a decent yield.. Just remember the more lumens the bigger the buds! For an 8 square foot tent you need quite a bit of light for flowering, veg you wont need as much.. How many lumens do you have between all you cfl's?
between the 4 to 5 plants i was going to try and grow their are 7600 lumens i can add more if need be?