dont know anything about the gentices its just the clone from my bag seedI'll take an 1/8th of Silent Night PLEASE ! lol
Killer bro !
Who made that and what is the gentics ?
thanx bro but not till late novwoo hoooo, your gonna be partyin!!!!!!! very nice tito.
yea i harvest the mom at 10 weeksStill another 5 to 6 weeks !?
Damn, nice Sativa on that Silent Night, huh !?
thanx bro this one is only about 2 ft but i did a lot of supercroping the mom was over 5 ft thats y i did the SCLooks amazing!!!! I want to grow a sativa how tall are yours right now?
how about we do a traid silent nite for some of that chemLOL, don't tease with the SL pics !
You can move some of her in the mail, right to me when she's done ! lmao
thanx broshits looking right bro!!