starting indoor light ratio


Active Member
so by may 10th there will be like 14 hours of light out side and sunrise will be at aprox. 6am sun set at 8pm. That 14 hours of light 10 hours of dark.... Now norm. your supposed to do 18/6 for veg indoor. Would it be ok if i do 14/10 were the light will come on at 6am and turn off at 8pm? Would this be ideal? would i have to worry about budding at all?

idk if may 10th is too early here... by may 20th theres 14 hours 45 mins of light. should i wait till then? may 10th theres 14 hours 26 mins
i would go 15/9 or 16/8 but the thing is, you have to have enough light so they wont stretch real bad. im doing 16/8 now. if your starting now start straight on that schedule and if not, switch right away. i dont think you will have a problem with that schedule but if your worried about it, wait until the end of may.
enough light you mean watts or time of light? cuz i got nice t5 fixture. Im not really worried i just would like to have the cycle set to what it will be when it go's outside am i right? if people think i should wait till end of may then i will wait im asking cuz if i wait till end of may i wont start for another 20 days.
I'm doing the same. I'm at 16 on 8 off. The gonna lst. And I'm going after the last frost where I'm at. If weather is good I'd go for the 10th
enough light you mean watts or time of light? cuz i got nice t5 fixture. Im not really worried i just would like to have the cycle set to what it will be when it go's outside am i right? if people think i should wait till end of may then i will wait im asking cuz if i wait till end of may i wont start for another 20 days.

yes i meant watts. i think you will be fine for may 10.
thanks farmerjoe so should I set my light at 15/9? weather here has been 20 degrees above normal for a week straight but that doesnt mean anything. may 20th is a for sure good day, im thinkign may 10th jsut cuase weather has been pretty good.
ok but it will be transplanted into 15/9 so why not go 15/9... i dont see why i should wait till june somthing when its 16/8 outside.
Extra hour of light. Maybe not a big deal. I'll be going from 16 to 14 when mine go outside. Just a thought. mine are going out hopefully in a few weeks, and my light will be 14. Two hour loss but, I figure let them get a nice boost inside
thanks farmerjoe so should I set my light at 15/9? weather here has been 20 degrees above normal for a week straight but that doesnt mean anything. may 20th is a for sure good day, im thinkign may 10th jsut cuase weather has been pretty good.

i think either or will work but 15/9 is closer to natural and probably better so go with that.