Starting indoors. Moving outdoors


Hi Im sure this question is asked a lot, but I am starting AK47 and BC Juicy Fruit inside and moving them outside in late may, but I dont wanna start them with my 400 watt HPS cause if I put it too close they burn and too far away they stretch. So my question is if I wanna start these and keep them inside only 4 or 5 weeks how many cfls would I need per plant. Keep in mind they Are only gonna be under these lights 4 weeks or so and not their entire life cycle? I wanna get a jump start on mother nature! :weed:


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine grew 6 dense plants with 6x26w cfls. I would go with @least 2 per plant, but thats just me. After about week 3 they can go under the HPS just have a good fan blow directly in between the light and plant tops. When you go to move outside, give them about 3-4 hours of sunlight each day for a week. Then move to like 8 or so hours to harden them off. Then they will be ready for full sun. Hope this helps. I'll be checking the forum if you have anymore ?'s


A friend of mine grew 6 dense plants with 6x26w cfls. I would go with @least 2 per plant, but thats just me. After about week 3 they can go under the HPS just have a good fan blow directly in between the light and plant tops. When you go to move outside, give them about 3-4 hours of sunlight each day for a week. Then move to like 8 or so hours to harden them off. Then they will be ready for full sun. Hope this helps. I'll be checking the forum if you have anymore ?'s
Thanks! This will help a lot. When you say give them 3-4 hours light a day for a week then 8 hours do you mean inside before putting them in the ground ?