Yeah, I’m petty stoked…I just got some more 4 foot tall square tomato cages I’m debating on trying here. They’ll definitely be in place for the BT growing at the GFs house. I’ll start a separate thread on those soon.
I deluged the plants here with ph 6.7 water (around 1800ml each), and got some runoff but not a bunch. The square fabric bags in the milk crates are winners - they hold much more liquid before runoff (vs the cylindrical bags I also have). Bigger root zone = bigger plants.
i started 20/4, with lights out at 2200 and back on at 0200, and will keep it there for a week or so, then I’ll get to 18/6 (lights out 2100 and on at 0300). They’ll probably finish out at 18/6.
since the plants have more room to grow laterally im still pulling branches down out of the shadow of the canopy, and using some LST clips where I can. There are not too many branches left on which I can use the LST clips since they are stiffening up pretty quickly. A binder clip on the top of the crate and some pipe cleaners pulls the stiffer branches down a bit, and I’ll work them even more horizontal as time goes by.
I just ordered some room foggers, and on the next nice day they’ll get moved to the outside, and I’ll swab out the rooms with Clorox, set a fogger and close the bathroom door. I’ve also been burning citronella tea candles in the rooms and have tons of sticky fly paper in place. I have a couple citronella plants on the deck I’ll put near them while they are outdoors too, and they might get a light spray of Green Cleaner (and a misting of ph 6.5 water after an hour or so). For now, I plan to run them to harvest indoors, with some time outdoors when conditions get better, soon I hope…
here are the pair in the original grow area, pics of the other 2 in about an hour after I give them their daily love…