starting my first indoor crop


Well-Known Member
i have a 600w hps light dual spectrum and a 4x4 ft cuboard 2in a half meters in height how many plants could i get in there?


Well-Known Member
Hi :)

Cool Name :)

I think any more than 6 plants under a 600 might be pushing it , some people do more, But if your looking for high yeild crops ... 4- 6 plants max for a 600w HPS i would think


Well-Known Member
Kind of a small space for a 600w, you'll need good ventillation in there. That aside, I fit 9 plants in 5 gallon buckets in a 3x3ft space under each of my 600's.


Well-Known Member
i have an extraction fan and that to fit in im just getting ready slowly dont want to rush into it. tried in my mams house in cuboard and it was shite. i have bought the bible aswell to help me along ment to be good