Hey guys, time for an update, but firstly thanks
elchupacabra for sharing your knowledge..ive seen your thread too and it acted as an excellent reference point for me!
I will definitely try growing outdoors when the time is right next year, i might even start as early as feb when the wether starts to warm up a little, and hopefully have something ready before end of may before it starts getting unbearably hot. i am in delhi, so the tempratures are extreme. its just the beginning of december, and we are already seeing 8 degrees at night, and this is just the beginning. since i just will not be able to grow anything outdoors for the next 2-3 months, i decided to start indoors. but outdoors is definitely on the cards, luckily i have no shortage of space to grow a couple of plants, and privacy isnt much of an issue either.....not from anybody outside the house atleast

I am just waiting for the weather to be right for it.
now, about my germinating experiments, well my conclusion is.... nothing beats soil in a pot. next time i am not going to bother with small pots also,I will just plant them in their final pot right from the beginning. Most of the hermie seeds i was experimenting with germinated in the soil.
i just could not get them to germinate using paper towel or any sort of towel. maybe I was doing something wrong, who knows!! I even tried cocopeat in the seed tray, a few of them germinated, but the success rate for me wasnt as high as soil in a pot. I have decided that soil is what works best for me, and in future I wont bother with any other method.
about the seeds i bought from the internet, in total i potted 6 seeds, 2 initially and 4 later one. i have already destroyed the first two.
about the 4 I potted later on, all fem seeds:
The church has already broken surface of the soil, and in total i can see 4 leaves. 2 pointy leaves, and 2 roundish leaves. what exactly are the second set of true leaves?
The other three seeds have also germinated, i know this because i can see them almost make it to the top of the soil, they are still in the soil, stem bending downwards, hopefully when i wake up tomorrow i will see all 4 pots with leaves on them
I plan to leave them out in the sun for 2-3 days and then take them indoors under the lights for 18 hours.
I already have the lights and most other things i need, just need to find the time to put the room together. Now with all the babies about to show me their face, I have no choice but to get it all done very quickly.
I will post some pics tomorrow.
thanks for the interest guys, i'm gonna need all the help i can get along the way
good night for now!!