Starting my Hempy Grow CFL Style


Well-Known Member
About to goto Walmart to get some CFL's. I see a six pack of 26watt with 6500K temp and each cranks out 1800 lumens for $20. I am going to grow them in a rubbermaid tub lined in mylar. Is this enuf for 4 plants? I want to have two tubs running and take the best of the eight for flowering while I let the other four get better. Advice?



Well-Known Member
i will be growing AK48 and G13 Power Skunk going on. THe whole grow will not be in the rubbermaid though. I will veg in there maybe until they are 6-8 inches then I would move them into a Homebox S or something where I will have some more space. Once there, I am thinking 250MH to finish veg and 250HPS for flowering. I am just doing this setup for starting out. Funds are low but I rather learn and get some girls going cheaper and then move to a nicer setup once I got the issues out of the way.
