Starting New Seed


Well-Known Member
I have never really started from seed so I'm not sure which method I should be taking with this one. I picked up some top shelve stuff from a local store called "Wappa", after 10 grams I was breaking up the last bud and a beautiful tiny little seed plopped out onto my desk. I did the paper towel method for germinating the seed and it cracked a day later with a nice little tap root.

Now, I have only ever ran 5-gal dwc with hydroton and used rockwool (wanted to switch to rapid rooters). Should I just drop this seed into a cube and throw it into a bucket? Do I bury the cube in the hydroton, or should I have it sticking out the top? However, if the cube is sticking up out of the hydroton.. won't the green algae set in? I've always went from clone so this is new to me.
If you're asking about germinating it first, then I would put the seeds in a moist paper towel before throwing it into rockwool, makes it easier to check if you've got duds and then you don't really need to worry about any PH issues.