Starting off, help lol

Hi guys, i have always wanted to grow a ganja plant since a young age. Anyway, im planning on growing using Holland's hope, (afhgan x early skunk) without lights.

I planning to grow them in a green house of some sort. But 1st im gonna grow it in half a 2 litre bottle and replacing the lid after (with holes) to create a greenhouse effect for sprouting.

I have 10 seeds (skunkplanet, excellent service) and atm i have 5 stored away and 5 germinating. All 5 have the white root thing coming out, 2 are like cm long and the other 3 are short. They have been germinating for 3 days.

Anybody got any advise etc. I am all new to this so any critism is appreciated. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Sounds like they are just about ready for your grow medium. Welcome hope everything goes great!


Well-Known Member
you shouldn't say without lights because for a few moments i was thinking *is this doop actually going to try and grow a plant in his cupboard with no lights*
so you are doing an outdoor grow
as i dont know wherre u live i have no clue if this will even be possible, you need to work out how many hours the sun is out for and if the days r getting shorter or longer to see if its even possible.
those 5 lil root hings are tap roots, what are you germinating in?? becasue if its jsut water you will need to transplant them into soil now.
any recommendations on medium? atm i have vegetable and fruit potting mix
Also, shall i put them in sunlight as soon as seeds are planted? I live in Australia btw, its around 25degrees outside (winter) and bring the plant inside at night.

Im enirely new to this, so expect some strange questions :) thanks though
Germinating them in paper towels at the moment in the dark. and yeah sorry i should have said outside, i just meant without fluro or hydro. South East Qld, Australia. Its just coming into winter, days are getting shorter maybe 10/11 hours sun per day but still 20-30 degrees. But the other 5 seeds im saving for summer. Any help is much appreciated
I was thinking "blood and bone" excellent for producing buds, flowers and fruits etc also high levels of NPK. Or a reccomended fert "ECO GROW" heard good reviews on that for marijuana. Do you have any recomendations?


Well-Known Member
ahh im not sure you will be able to get fox farm lines in australia (i personally have never looked so dont hold me on that)
but just go out and buy some decent soil without to many nutes already in it
then go and purchase sum 30:15:10 for veg and sum 10:30:15 for flower and you should be set
and i dunno how ur going to go outside through the winter =/ i think you should wait as these plants will problly die or start flowering and forced to re-veg


Well-Known Member
those seeds are ready to be planted now! i always hear bad stuff about miricale grow so i just stay away from it and use anything else....using scott's potting soil right now, seems to be ok so far. I dont think you need to put a dome over the seedlings, thats really good for clones but seeds should be ok i think, just keep moist at all times
I just got a 20w halogen lamp today and placed it like 5cm away from top of potting mix. Because to be honest, there really isnt much sun. But the halogen produces alot of heat for 20w and it affordable to run until they shoot.

Thanks for the replies so far, there very helpful
I just got a 20w halogen lamp today and placed it like 5cm away from top of potting mix. Because to be honest, there really isnt much sun and slightly chilly. But the halogen produces alot of heat for 20w and it affordable to run until they start sprouting then ill turn off lights and put them in the green house

Thanks for the replies so far, there very helpful