starting outdoor grow


Well-Known Member
I am going to top the plants so they will grow bushier rather than taller. I know this will shock them a little bit, but for transportation purposes height is going to be an issue. Is there any reason i should wait to do this after sexing plants. I am still waiting another week or two before putting them on any light cycle. Plants are looking great, some are darker green than others. It will be awesome to see the variety of buds I get if all goes well.


Well-Known Member
Hey apietroski8, wat up man. u should go ahead and sex the plants now. Doing that should allow u to put ur females out no later than the middle of may, instead of having to wait until June. And no, it won't hurt to top plants now (vegi phase). Some may claim it stresses them out, which I'm sure it does to some extent but that'll just help u filter out the weak ones if it affects any of them to much. And from what I can gather ur pretty much like I am in that you'd like to set out as many as you could start, but keep in mind that for every female you end up w/, you'll need to have a good spot for. I went out yesterday and started digging my holes, 2ft wide x 2ft deep, and let me tell ya that shit is alot of work, especially if you have to walk up and down some MAJOR hills and hollows lugging a shovel, water, etc.! So I'm not sure if I'll dig a hole for EVERY plant, or just let some stay in pots and just put the best looking ones in plots like I described above. I'll probably end up digging slightly larger plots (4x3) and setting 2-3 to each plot for most of em, while putting the 4 or five best ones in their own plot. But also keep in mind that the more you put in it the more you'll get out of it. I had to keep telling myself that yesterday cause it's easy to say to yourself "that holes big enough" lol. But just hang in there and do whats best for the plant. Also keep in mind about the roots and rocks in the forest floor. They become quite the obstacle if your not prepared. Sure it's easy to cut thru the little roots w/ your shovel, but those big tree roots are another story! So I took some pruning sheers and a machete. The sheers were more for clearing branches that were blocking light, but also come in handy at removing the roots.The machete also came in handy for clearing obstacles. Just a few things for ya to brew on for now man, and like Arny says "I'll Be Back"


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice. I know what you mean about picking out spots. I have already dug out like 6-7 spots for the plants to go. And it took me quite a long time. There are many tree roots that are huge and hard to break. I am fortunate enough that i have a very swampy area to grow on, and I made sure to choose spots with the best soil, and not as many roots to allow root growth for my plants. Today I will top all the plants I can, and i will begin a light cycle to determine sex the beginning of next week. Im a little worried about driving a few miles with plants in my car that are decent size, and transporting 3.5 cubic foot soil bags to the grow spots. Its gonna be some work. Any good advice for deer and animal deterrents is welcome. Thanks

Hey apietroski8, wat up man. u should go ahead and sex the plants now. Doing that should allow u to put ur females out no later than the middle of may, instead of having to wait until June. And no, it won't hurt to top plants now (vegi phase). Some may claim it stresses them out, which I'm sure it does to some extent but that'll just help u filter out the weak ones if it affects any of them to much. And from what I can gather ur pretty much like I am in that you'd like to set out as many as you could start, but keep in mind that for every female you end up w/, you'll need to have a good spot for. I went out yesterday and started digging my holes, 2ft wide x 2ft deep, and let me tell ya that shit is alot of work, especially if you have to walk up and down some MAJOR hills and hollows lugging a shovel, water, etc.! So I'm not sure if I'll dig a hole for EVERY plant, or just let some stay in pots and just put the best looking ones in plots like I described above. I'll probably end up digging slightly larger plots (4x3) and setting 2-3 to each plot for most of em, while putting the 4 or five best ones in their own plot. But also keep in mind that the more you put in it the more you'll get out of it. I had to keep telling myself that yesterday cause it's easy to say to yourself "that holes big enough" lol. But just hang in there and do whats best for the plant. Also keep in mind about the roots and rocks in the forest floor. They become quite the obstacle if your not prepared. Sure it's easy to cut thru the little roots w/ your shovel, but those big tree roots are another story! So I took some pruning sheers and a machete. The sheers were more for clearing branches that were blocking light, but also come in handy at removing the roots.The machete also came in handy for clearing obstacles. Just a few things for ya to brew on for now man, and like Arny says "I'll Be Back"


Well-Known Member
Another round of seedlings in underway. The germination has started and they will be put in soil either monday or tuesday of next week. There will be another 30 plants, but none of these are going to have time to be sexed. Should i bother with a seedling starter kit that is going to have to be transplanted after a week of being in it, or should i go right to larger potting dishes. The downside to larger dishes is more surface area to cover with lighting and more soil to fill the dishes. Let me know what you think
I think the seedling starter kit is best. You can get the ones w/ peat pellets in em and then all you do is set the plant, peat pellet an all, down into the container. No stress whatsoever on the plant.


Well-Known Member
Piss all over the area! LOL That's the best advice I've read/heard of. But I've seen some stuff at a local store (it's sort of like a walmart) that is supposed to deter deer, rabbits, snakes, etc. (basically anything I guess). So I might try that too. I know that some say to put chicken wire around your grow, but that seems like it would be an attention grabber for hunters, game wardens, etc. so I'm gonna go w/ pissing around it, and maybe try some of the animal deterrent I mentioned. I'm sure walmart, and any stor like it carries something similar, if u was interested in checking it out. It comes in liquid form, so I'm not 100% on it not washing away easily. Guess you'd just have to reapply when necessary. One other thing, those bags of soil u mentioned are going to get pretty heavy on ya. You may want to just try to use what's already in the ground if it seems like good soil. One way you can tell, I read this and tested it out yesterday, is by smelling it. If it smells like peanuts or similar to them then it's supposed to be good. Also, the darker the soil the better and vice versa. I know that I'm not gonna carry soil to many of my spots. A few but def. not all. Anyway, hope any of this is helpful man, and we'll stay in touch thru this thread and give each other suggestions/advice as needed thru the season.


Well-Known Member
thanks Doowmd for all the great advise. I would assume the soil is pretty good, cause it is very dark, and alot of vegetation like ferns grows in the area. One of those bags of soil will cover 2-3 spots. I get hooked up with the soil, and hopefully the investment will be worth it. Another light was purchased today. I bought a 2 foot ballast with two lights. I purchased two plant flourescents. I had to wire the electrical cord to the ballast, but being an electrician helped with that, LOL. This light will be used with new seedlings. Also purchased a timer and have begun using that. Well see in a few weeks what i got an go from there.


Well-Known Member
yea, having a timer is a MUST, I tried to switch my lights on/off manually for the first week or so, but that shit becomes a headache. You'll never believe this, but I went to a local store and noticed they had 1 stanley timer and I passed on buying it for like 2 weeks (after I first noticed it) but after I got my shit set up and figured out how bad I was going to need one I decided to get it . It was priced at 7.99, when I checked out the lady had to ring it up looked funny at the readout, deleted it (i guess) then swiped it again. Finally she says "got a penny?" And I was like uh yea (lol). And she says "well that's all it's ringing up for so i guess that's what you owe me, must be discontinued or something." So I paid exactly .01cent for my timer!!! I took as a sign that I was destined to grow dank this year! So far tho am having trouble w/ herms, but got another batch in the dirt now tho, so I'm hoping to do better/ have better fate w/ it.


Well-Known Member
Today i was given a free cubic foot of organic potting soil. No additives, only natural things. Seaweed, bark, peatmoss, and some other things to name a few. The soil even feels and looks better than anything I have used. I was hooked up at local department store by an employee after consulting on some growing needs. The other light was also set up, and it already seems to be making a difference after a few hours. 32 new seedlings were put into a starting kit with a plastic dome. After a few hours a couple had come through the soil, i expect most to be up by tomorrow. The plants are doing awesome. This will be the second day on an 18-6 time. Plants look better everyday. Let me know what you think

doowmd hopefully you are making sure to not let any light in for an extended period of time where the plants are. It will stress them out, possibly turn them male even after growing some buds.



Well-Known Member
you either need to start moving plants outside or get more lights. The seedlings you just started will stretch like the other ones did if they are not moved closer to the lights pretty soon. You can have fluorescent lights within 4" of the top of the plant without causing harm to the plants. Fluorescents don't put out a whole heck of light, so you need twice as much as you have now for a successful veg. Male plants typically pop before females, keep track and see for yourself. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
And when you transplant outside go ahead and bury right up to and even just past where the first two oval shaped leaves are on the plant (on the bottom), they are super stretched.


Well-Known Member
I am aware of the stretching, and the new seedlings were just put in soil yesterday. Today they will be adjusted to be as close to the light as possible. Only one or two were actually above soil last night. I just put another light into the setup, which is two more 2ft flourescents, so now i have two 4ft and two 2ft. Im not intending on putting any plants outside til possibly the end of may. All flourescents are plant flourescents. I am going to try and sex the oldest plants before putting them out, cause theres no point to put males out with females if i can stop it. Once new seedlings are transplanted, they will be put into soil and put down as far as possible to keep the plants small. With the plants that are 3 weeks old, stretching has not been an issue since the new grow room. The lights are positioned no more than 3 or 4 inches away. With the new batch of seedlings i do not want to have to deal with propping up plants from stretching, so i will try and avoid it.


Well-Known Member
im not trying to be a dick.... just trying to help you out.... I have 6 four foot fluorescent tube lights, and 6 23w CFL's lighting a 4x4x5 area. That is the perfect amount of light. I will take pics and show you in a little bit.....


Well-Known Member
That is very similar to the size of the area we are using. It has 2 different levels. I am going to have to put some outside this week even though they are not sexed. I have put the seedling container about 4 inches from the light and almost all of them have come up. At this point i cannot make anymore investments in lighting. These seedlings will have to be transplanted sometime this week and i will make sure to plant them as far into the dirt as possible. I will not make the mistake again of leaving the light too high. I believe them falling over and then having to grow straight again definitely affected there growth for a few days. I do appreciate all the advice. Thanks, looking forward to seeing what you have.

im not trying to be a dick.... just trying to help you out.... I have 6 four foot fluorescent tube lights, and 6 23w CFL's lighting a 4x4x5 area. That is the perfect amount of light. I will take pics and show you in a little bit.....


Well-Known Member
Today 6 of the plants were put outside. Holes were dug deep enough to completely bury the containers. I cut the base off of the containers and buried them in the ground with the plant. No extra soil was added with these. Holes looked to have pretty good soil. Only one had clay at bottom and i made sure to dig past that layer. It was rushed and no animal deterrents were used. It is also supposed to rain either today or tomorrow. Hopefully it is too early for slugs to be out, because those can be a pain when you have smaller plants. I chose smaller plants to allow room for newly started seedlings and I am still attempting to sex the stronger plants. Later this week other plants may have to go out, I am going to try and have all the holes ready for when I do. Well see what happens.
got a quick question, havent started to germinate the seeds yet, but i have an outside spot picked out and have the soil ready for growing...just wandering when the best period is to transition them from inside to outside?


Well-Known Member
If you are going to veg them inside at all i would start immediately, and put out no later than June 21. If started now i would advise vegging them for at least 2-3 weeks and put out end of may beginning of june. You want a light that is designed for growing indoor plants. Plant florescents are fine for vegging and are not expensive. Youll have much better results starting indoors and getting them strong and healthy before putting out.
got a quick question, havent started to germinate the seeds yet, but i have an outside spot picked out and have the soil ready for growing...just wandering when the best period is to transition them from inside to outside?


Well-Known Member
just checked the ones that went out yesterday. Couldnt find one and all the others are doing great. Kinda randomly put them out there so its a search finding where they went. I put soap shavings and pissed around the ones i could to try and deter animals from going near. Looking good so far
Those will be fine so long as they are in fact getting abundant light. A cheap and easy light is a 65 watt Flourex Flood Light available at most hardware stores. Or, it looks like a 3 foot dual-tube florescent shop light would work, get the bulbs that say they are good for aquariums or plants, they should have a blue or reddish hue.