starting salaries for head growers and assistants???

If they offered you $40k, ask for $50k. That's how negotiations work. $40k is too low to run the risk of federal incarceration anyway. They will respect you more for knowing your worth in the long run as well.

shit bro,100k isnt worth the risk of federal moving in on salary with promise of change to percentage at harvest. provided of course all parties are content.if discontent then back to full time sub big deal...the more this is getting fleshed out,the more im seeing that i'm not investing anything but time...i am familiar with the negotiation process...i'm not familiar as to what some one in my position might expect as a wage,but im figuring it out...
I wish you well however it is my opinion that very few people in the AZ MM industry will make over 40 grand a year.
The State messed up by giving out 18,755 "licenses to cultivate" out of a total of 22,212. It will be at least 20,000 before the disps come along. Almost 90% of the total are growing already and will not be buying crappy herb for over 300 an oz.

Theres some good info at the link. Notice all the yellow area in the map? The 124? disps/grow sites will be scattered throughout those areas. The State will not allow everyone to fight for the business in Phoenix.

Brewer stopped the program by sueing the feds for clarifacation that they would not get in trouble for running the program and she "won" because she said disps would be open by summer but now the feds have outlawed large grow sites the whole program is in jepordy again.
I wish you well however it is my opinion that very few people in the AZ MM industry will make over 40 grand a year.
The State messed up by giving out 18,755 "licenses to cultivate" out of a total of 22,212. It will be at least 20,000 before the disps come along. Almost 90% of the total are growing already and will not be buying crappy herb for over 300 an oz.

Theres some good info at the link. Notice all the yellow area in the map? The 124? disps/grow sites will be scattered throughout those areas. The State will not allow everyone to fight for the business in Phoenix.

Brewer stopped the program by sueing the feds for clarifacation that they would not get in trouble for running the program and she "won" because she said disps would be open by summer but now the feds have outlawed large grow sites the whole program is in jepordy again.

first,im glad to hear from someone that is familiar with AZ law...i agree and disagree with your view of our situation...the fact that those 124 dispensaries, those that the application process will reopen for on may 14...those dispensaries will discontinue all patient cultivation within 25 miles of said dispensary. the dispensary will be the source...i think mabey you underestimate the market...initiated growers are making better than 40k already.
What percentage of the 20,000 (by the time the disps open) do you think will quit growing and go to the disp for herb? One lawsuit has been filed and I expect many more if people are arrested. I just think most will not stop and if they do they will buy it on the street before they will go in the disp and pay 300-400 an oz when they can grow better weed for less then 50 an oz.

There is some sort of federal health plan and the disps have to abide by those rules. The 124 disps have to be scattered throughout the state so everyone shall be near one. That means many disps will be in the yellow shaded areas of the link map which covers 60%? of the State. I do not know how many of the 124 will be allowed in Phoenix or Tucson. However I suspect some disps in Phoenix will be storefronts and the herb will be grown at one of the disps located on the res or other boondock disps.

What I am getting at is there will be less then 124 grow sites and many of those will be in the boondocks.
What are your thoughts on the feds shutting down large grows? I believe Brewer is running into more fed roadblocks.
I have not had to buy MM for almost a year, however I still know someone who knows someone and decent mexican can be found for 90 per oz and a lot less in quanity. The mexs upped their game in the past two years. Very good homegrown can be found for 300 and under. California is already flooded with outdoor homegrown.

Most Arizonans are like myself in the area I live. We will buy on the blackmarket before we will buy weed from the state (semantics) and be filmed. You may not agree however I respect civil conversation and I may learn something
why support mexican drug cartels. why would u want to send ur money to another country instead of furthering ours... boneheadbob great name btw. i would rather keep my money in the us than pay for a cartels shit as the catel is a excuse the goverment uses to throw at us to fight what we want... legalization. dont buy from street thugs gang members pill dopers any of that shit if we were all smart we would go about things respectibly and shape our country how it should be. as long as gov can pull a cartel card it just makes it harder for ppl to accept this change and makes uninformed voters that only hear whats on the news vote against legalization because they r scared of all the BS the news and goverment spits out to fight are movement. be wise lets legalize
Not a company, but MMJ in general is becoming a multi-billion /year industry.

While re-newing my rec last wk, my doctor gave me advice & encouraged me to get into the MMJ scene even more.
He said he has been in the mmj industry for 12 years now, never had to deal w/ growing pot yet sells countless legal mmj/hemp products over the web.

I renewed yesterday and my new doc told me to eat hemp powder by grinding up cannabis seeds.. I was like "cool i can do that"
first,im glad to hear from someone that is familiar with AZ law...i agree and disagree with your view of our situation...the fact that those 124 dispensaries, those that the application process will reopen for on may 14...those dispensaries will discontinue all patient cultivation within 25 miles of said dispensary. the dispensary will be the source...i think mabey you underestimate the market...initiated growers are making better than 40k already.

AZ grower here where's your guys dispensary gonna be at ??? east side , west side, north side dont have to get too specific.
Anyone can grow takes a master to produce meds....In a sea of trash growers...the elites will always stand out. Some people are just cant put a price on that ...& I don't think you should try. just my 2 cents bro
hi all,im legal in AZ and have been offered a position as head grower in a commercial space for one of the prospective dispensaries here in the state...i'm meeting tomorrow to see the space and discuss the finer details but i have no idea what someone in my position would expect to make based on a salary??...any help from anyone who has more experience would be great...thanx..

Your a weed grower and you would go to work for someone else for what would amount to about a lb of high quality production?Why?
I just dont get it.I dont.You could be pulling in 4 to 5 lbs a month all by yourself and you wouldnt have to work to support them. All you ever do when you go to work for someone else is make them money.Instead your going to help pull them in the weight and your going to get paid for 1 lb.
If someone offered me a job at 8 grand a month id look at them like they were bat shit crazy.
Your a weed grower and you would go to work for someone else for what would amount to about a lb of high quality production?Why?
I just dont get it.I dont.You could be pulling in 4 to 5 lbs a month all by yourself and you wouldnt have to work to support them. All you ever do when you go to work for someone else is make them money.Instead your going to help pull them in the weight and your going to get paid for 1 lb.
If someone offered me a job at 8 grand a month id look at them like they were bat shit crazy.

Dude, I tell my employees the same shit, and they won't strive for more. I think some people enjoy being a slave.
hi all,im legal in AZ and have been offered a position as head grower in a commercial space for one of the prospective dispensaries here in the state...i'm meeting tomorrow to see the space and discuss the finer details but i have no idea what someone in my position would expect to make based on a salary??...any help from anyone who has more experience would be great...thanx..
hi all,im legal in AZ and have been offered a position as head grower in a commercial space for one of the prospective dispensaries here in the state...i'm meeting tomorrow to see the space and discuss the finer details but i have no idea what someone in my position would expect to make based on a salary??...any help from anyone who has more experience would be great...thanx..
Where do you live in AZ? Do you need an assistant? I would love work with you.
Most people have to be smarter in this industry before they come out:dunce:, they might work half a season at best & then quit which happens allot these days and thats making a bad name for young peeps.Now dont get me wrong, working on a farm or some sweet backwoods spot is fun AF at times but when it gets real which it always does then Shit can really suck when its 105F and your stuck watering and all for months and everybody is on the Lake or River wake boarding sippin cold drinks & your beastin with no shower! The fun is when you Crush it at the end of the Year and come through with that Smile of success:weed: HaHaaa. So just a word from the wise, please stop for a second & do your HOME WORK before you decide and then negotiate to throw down or to try it out.
IF YOU HAVE HEM SKILLS then stand up for what you know & be BOLD since you know what you deserve as a FAIR WAGE and do what yo have to, but if you dont have any skills then be happy with what you get and finish all your WORK to the end before quitting. Then before you leave make a new contract at the end of the season with your results of some sort or step up to the plate yourself.
I dont recommend it but if your going Gorilla style backwoods action then you should get 1/3 of a salary desired up front minimum and the rest on completion hopefully if you even get to keep your own harvest from the cops and Banditos. Either way all these silly youngsters need to tighten up a BUNCH before deciding this is what they want with their life and really be sure and then the sky is the limit young friends.
On the other side of the argument I know of some 19yr old young guys that are truly CRUSHING it and blow my mind their work ethics running circles around bigdogs so Im not just bashing all young men and women but it seems there is a bit of a trend going on thats not cool and Im just enlightening the ones that need to know.
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Your a weed grower and you would go to work for someone else for what would amount to about a lb of high quality production?Why?
I just dont get it.I dont.You could be pulling in 4 to 5 lbs a month all by yourself and you wouldnt have to work to support them. All you ever do when you go to work for someone else is make them money.Instead your going to help pull them in the weight and your going to get paid for 1 lb.
If someone offered me a job at 8 grand a month id look at them like they were bat shit crazy.
this x1000. i have a degree and worked for various healthcare companies making very good $$,STFU kind of $$. but when i found out how much of the pie my presence was making for the companies and my cut, i got the fuck out and going into horticulture. it's not so much i want more $$, i just desired control over my destiny and less bullshit, the kind that goes with having to deal with HR, butthurt people, and i like the idea that my effort will directly translate to money made vs having to carry motherfuckers slacking while getting paid the same. always strive to be your own boss, at least if that's something you can mentally handle. some people just like to be told what to do and have a safe paycheck.
this x1000. i have a degree and worked for various healthcare companies making very good $$,STFU kind of $$. but when i found out how much of the pie my presence was making for the companies and my cut, i got the fuck out and going into horticulture. it's not so much i want more $$, i just desired control over my destiny and less bullshit, the kind that goes with having to deal with HR, butthurt people, and i like the idea that my effort will directly translate to money made vs having to carry motherfuckers slacking while getting paid the same. always strive to be your own boss, at least if that's something you can mentally handle. some people just like to be told what to do and have a safe paycheck.

Couldn't agree more man. I know there is some true dickheads that say ya if it was any other major company you would never get 25-35%of their gross because they have greed so deep in their hearts its disgusting which I tell them all to go eat stinky hairy ass turds and choke on them. I hope everyone with a backbone starts doing the same from now on and we will change the tide or they will get the F on down the road thinking this is Walmart.This industry was built on Love, Life and friendship not GREED and hatred for your brother. I run a medium warehouse by myself and the investor helps very little which I prefer & dont mind because I get 35% of the Gross of everything I touch plus I do anything I want when I want and never answer to anyone even the investor he trusts that much because i paid my dues for 12years . My skill level is top notch and I know it so I demand nothing less but top pay period, if Im making others healthy profit which is absolutely more then fine by me. I do 95% and get 35% plus gas and food $$ ontop of that every wk. Its all about how much you know that your worth, but if nobody recognizes that then take your $ and start DIY everything you need to get started until you start dropping bomb off every harvest consistently and by then investors and buddies are gonna beg you to come run their show for them and thats when you can negotiate to the MAX. Hard work and heart is paramount to succeed.
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I met a young guy who was the assistant up near Denver/Boulder with a botany degree. He pretty much ran the place and it was a big op. They paid him $15 an hour. The place sounded like a sweat shop and was turning out middling weed because they had more plants then they could handle.