Starting seeds indoors now....


Well-Known Member
Can I start my seedlings with 24/7 lighting for a few weeks inside then change to whatever the daylight hours are outside just before putting them out??? I dont want them 2 start flowering too soon...Maybe a stupid question but I have been searching forums 4ever and havent come up with any answers. Thanks...:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
There are no stupid questions!:mrgreen: No need to switch the light to match the outdoor light...If you put them outside for a few days in a shaded spot to harden them off they will be fine and not go to flower..I always start my plants inside and sex them then clone the shit outta the best females I have found on average 50\50 harvest rate...So if you plant 100 clones you will get around 50 come time to chop...Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure if you seem like the cloning and sexing type if you asked that question, try to maintain 18/6 on your seedlings on try to follow the daylight in you area, for example, I put mine outside on my balcony at 1:00 AM - Sunrise is 6:30, and around 8:00 I put them back under the fluoros again, the cool temps at night help them with acclimation, plus the regulate themselves on the sunrise, don't screw up your photoperiod too early, you want to be consistent with your cycle. If you can place under natural sunlight here and there that will help!

zerran elar

Well-Known Member
Yea I wondered the same thing, Had to keep the heat lamps on in the barn when it got chilly, they did just fine. dryed them out pretty good tho. Just the soil didnt harm the plant any