Starting Some Clones ... Looking for Advice


Active Member
Alright, I really hope I am putting this in the correct place. This is my first attempt at cloning -- or I should say my first serious attempt. I have 4 plants, which I am about to bring to flower, and I decided to try to take some cuttings of these before hand to start a SoG grow next time.

Nothing too fancy, I got some pellets (not sure what they're made of) on clearance at Menards -- the local hardware store -- as well as a heated grow dome. In a strange twist of events, I had a 20 gallon aquarium looking for something to be used for, so I adopted that for this project.

I've taken 26 cuttings, 5 from each plant. The bad news is I don't know if all my plants are female, so I may be trowing a bunch of clones away if they turn up being male. Either way, it's a learning experience though, and I'm only out time.

This first batch of photos is from last night, right after they were cut... I have some from this morning too I'll upload in a bit.

(Sorry for the poor quality, I need to dig up my camera so for now I have to use my cellphone)

So far I've used Schultz TakeRoot powder, and 3x filtered rain water (what I use to water my plants)



Active Member
These are the pictures from this morning. The cuttings really wilted last night, but they bounced back by this morning. I left them with the light off last night (read somewhere this helps reduce stress and lessens the chance of an air bubble) but from now on they're on 18/6... Unless you have a better suggestion. I'd really like to hear any suggestions people might have.

