starting the germination?


New Member
So i got some white widow seeds.. instead of putting them in a paper towel to germinate can i just put the seed straight into the dirt.. im using potting soil and some organic choice (miracle-gro). with a 400w light..


Well-Known Member
Yes you could put them in them in soil to germinate but its best if you let them germinate in the paper towel so you kno they will sprout for sure...but if you still decide to go with the soil make sure the soil stay moist...and miracle grow is not a great source of soil but it still can work if you have no choice right now...but i really prefer Fox Farm because it has great drainage.


Well-Known Member
put them in a glass of water and wait for them to sink. this means water has penetrated in and that there is a embryo in there ready to grow. than plant one inch down in soil.


Well-Known Member
yes, you can put them directly in soil and keep it moist. That is the safest way to do it. That way you guaranee no trauma to the sprout. And I only put the seeds in about 1/4" to no more than 1/2" deep in the soil


New Member
haha thanks yall.. i was going to put the organic soil on top and potting soil on bottom... and add some nutes later. Another question when these little ones sprout should i keep low light on them(3-4 25WCFL) or should i just turn the big daddy boss on(400wmh/hps) with the cfl's???

roger v

ITS not nessery to put light on them.Keep in dark intill they come up .keep temp at 80 ann mist them to keep the top one inch of soil moist not drench.when they come up put a light on them.


New Member
ITS not nessery to put light on them.Keep in dark intill they come up .keep temp at 80 ann mist them to keep the top one inch of soil moist not drench.when they come up put a light on them.
ha thats what i ment to say but when they do pop up out of the soil which lighting should i use?


Well-Known Member
You do not need 400w to raise seedlings. give them a couple of weeks under the CFLs to harden off then bring on your big boy.

As for germinating, I have to laugh at some of your responses that you received. Seeds are designed to sow, right into the growing medium, or dirt. I always laugh at paper towel, shot glass, full moon, stand on your head methods. Place it in soil and keep moist....Isn't nature amazing? :)

Smucker G

Active Member
If you use MG soil just add 25-30% perlite so it drains. MG is very dense. I guess that goes with most comercial soils.


Active Member
ha thats what i ment to say but when they do pop up out of the soil which lighting should i use?
i started mine in the paper towel and they took about a day and a half to show the taproot, i planted in fox farms ocean forest soil yesterday morning and put a lil water on em and put em under about 4-23watt cfl's about 2inches from em and they just broke surface and sprouted about 2 hrs ago. I got a 400 watt hps im gonna put on em in the next few days at about 20 inches from the top of em and work from there, so you could use your 400 watt also, just dont put em to close. anywhere from 18 to 20 should be good, just make sure it aint to hot on your plant


Well-Known Member
soak your seeds for about 12 hours. get yourself some seedling soil."no nutes" fill a cup about 3/4 full of dry out of the bag soil. Use a pen or something to make a hole in the soil. Place your seed in the soil . cover just enough to hide the seed. use a spray bottle to wet the soil. wet it good untill you get run off. Then let it sit. should pop in 1-4 days. If the top of your soil drys out give one or to sprays to wet the top.


New Member
You do not need 400w to raise seedlings. give them a couple of weeks under the CFLs to harden off then bring on your big boy.

As for germinating, I have to laugh at some of your responses that you received. Seeds are designed to sow, right into the growing medium, or dirt. I always laugh at paper towel, shot glass, full moon, stand on your head methods. Place it in soil and keep moist....Isn't nature amazing? :)
Im going to put the seed right in the dirt like you said hhahaha,, i cant wait to watch my plants grow!!!! So i should always keep the dirt moist until it sprouts?


Well-Known Member
i just keep mine under a flouresent tube 2 footer i use a heating pad at 82 deg two weeks under cfl then two more weeks under a 250 Eye Hortilux and a 250 CMH by philips used together

i start by soaking mine under water overnight next day if not cracked yet i put between paper towel layers and keep damp always in the dark and always on heating pad

when mines split i put then in starter soil till transplant transplant either 3 or four weeks based on how its looking growing its vigor starter soil has nothng in it but drainage shit no food i fill cup 3/4 full add rest as seedling stretches i cover cuo with baggie and rubberband with a tiny air hole till it breaks surface of soil then remove and straight floresent light heating pad till trans plant for me it makes roots grow